Preparing a Poster Presentation

Diomidis Spinellis
Department of Management Science and Technology
Athens University of Economics and Business
Athens, Greece
[email protected]

How to Setup a Brilliant Poster Stand

Elements that make up a good poster stand:

Drafting the Poster Advice

Poster Examples: Good Use of Color

The following are some good examples of posters that use color to stand out from the crowd. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

(MSAD 2004)

Poster Examples: Liberal Use of Graphical Elements

The following are some good examples of posters that use graphics to bring their message across. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

(MSAD 2004)

ICSE 2006
(ICSE 2006)

ICSE 2008
(ICSE 2008)

Poster Examples: Graphics that Tell a Story

The following are some good examples of posters that use graphics to guide the reader through the story. Click on the images for a larger version. See also the interesting layout examples.

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
(EURO XX 2004)

Poster Examples: Interesting Layout

The following are some good examples of posters with an interesting layout. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - 07.07.2004
The layout is self-referential. The work describes the use of Voronoi diagrams ( for vote districting, and the poster layout follows the same scheme. This poster won the conference's best poster award. (EURO XX 2004)

(MSAD 2004)

ICSE 2006
This slide (although a bit crowded) uses numbering and nested layouts to guide the reading order. (ICSE 2006)

Poster Examples: Adding Hardware

The following are some good examples of posters that have additional "hardware" elements pasted on them. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - ICSE 2006
The slide includes a folder with a copies of it, and an area for adding comments. (ICSE 2006)

Poster - ICSE 2006
Another approach for collecting comments: a notepad and a pen hanging on a pin (ICSE 2006)

Poster - ICSE 2006
This slide has copies and business cards attached to a paper fastener. (ICSE 2006)

Poster - ICSE 2008
This slide includes a blank area where a projector shows a demo of the software. (ICSE 2008)

Poster Examples: Making do Without a Big Format Printer

You don't necessarily need access to a big-format printer to create a good poster. If you find yourself stranded without suitable hardware (e.g. wanting to create a poster on the spot at the conference) you can improvise by assembling printed A4 sheets, or even by writing and drawing your poster in flip-chart paper. Here are two examples. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - SPLASH 2012
This poster is assembled mainly from printed A4 sheets, placed in an interesting pattern. (SPLASH 2012)

Poster - SPLASH 2012
This poster is written by hand on flip-chart and A4 sheets. The placement of the A4 sheets is used to indicate how they relate to the larger flip-chart sheets. (SPLASH 2012)

Poster Counterexamples

The following are some counterexamples of the poster design techniques I described. To protect the guilty, you can not click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - 24.05.2007
The paper's pages printed on an A0 sheet

Poster - 24.05.2007
The paper typeset and printed on an A0 sheet; this is worse the previous example, because our eye can't follow printed lines spanning half a metre.

Poster - 07.07.2004
Too much and small text, not enough color (EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
Too much information (text and small diagrams), glossy paper (EURO XX 2004)

Poster - 07.07.2004
Too much and small text (EURO XX 2004)

Stand Examples

The following are some good examples of stands following the guidelines I described. Click on the images for a larger version.

Poster - The perfect setup: poster, book, physical demo, laptop, presentation - 07.07.2004
The perfect setup: poster, book, physical demo, laptop, presentation. The board allows the demonstration of Voronoi diagrams ( using nails and rubber bands. This poster won the conference's best poster award. (EURO XX)

A live hardware demo (MSAD 2004)

Closeup of the live hardware demo (MSAD 2004)

The perfect packing for the demo (MSAD 2004)

Packing List

Bring with you the following items: Don't forget to update your web site, before you leave. Keep copies of the promotional material (leaflet, publication) in a web-accessible directory. You may find them useful, if you need to print additional copies from an Internet cafe, or a public PC room.
