Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 218 is scheduled to be released on Monday, April 3, at 12 am JST. This highly anticipated chapter will pit Yorozu against General Mahoraga in what’ll most likely be a death battle. Yorozu's evolved form and its strength will be put to the test in the upcoming chapter.
Prior to the chapter, however, fans have started to question whether Sukuna will be able to control General Mahoraga, keeping in mind that the shikigami has been untamed throughout its history. No Ten Shadows Techinque user has been able to tame it as of now.
General Mahoraga has remained untamed throughout Jujutsu Kaisen's history

Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 218 will see Yorozu fight against General Mahoraga. In the previous chapter, she evolved into a bug-like creature, complete with an armor of flesh. This prompted an eight-handed wheel to appear on Sukuna's head, which was the signal of him summoning the strongest shikigami in the history of the Ten Shadows Technique, General Mahoraga.
This has caused some fans to question whether Sukuna will be able to control the powerful shikigami. For starters, we have to keep in mind that Sukuna has already fought and annihilated Mahoraga during the Shibuya Incident Arc using his domain expansion: Malevolent Shrine and a powerful flaming arrow.

Sukuna wasn't able to tame the shikigami and had to slaughter it instead to defeat it. This means that he'll most likely be unable to control Mahoraga in the upcoming chapter. However, Sukuna will easily be able to summon the shikigami as he's in possession of Megumi Fushigruo's body, giving him access to the Zenin clan's Ten Shadows Technique.
Keeping in mind Gege Akutami's unpredictable writing, he might just shock readers by giving Sukuna control over General Mahoraga in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 218. There's a lot of mystery around Mahoraga with no straightforward method present in which he can be tamed. Thus, his fight and defeat to Sukuna during the Shibuya Incident Arc could be a reason that the shikgami might just become subservient to the King of Curses.
Mahoraga's appearance could also be different in this upcoming chapter just like we saw in the case of other shikigami such as the Divine Dog and Nue, both of them looking much more ghoulish and horrifying under Sukuna's control. Thus, Mahoraga might also look different in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 218.
Regardless of control, Sukuna will be completing his summoning ritual in chapter 218, bringing forth the Divine General. This will lead to the shikigami fight against Yorozu in her evolved form. The battle between these two characters will be to the death, making it even more interesting for fans who want to see Yorozu go all out against a powerful opponent.
It will be a big challenge for Yorozu to deal with Mahoraga's regeneration and his ability to adapt to any attack, making this a very tricky fight for her to be in. Also, handling Sukuna alongside this creature would be near impossible for anyone.