Ember is an "OG" Battle Pass skin from Fortnite Season 8. After having scorched her way past the Sideways and Cube Queen's monsters, she's here to help fight back the corruption with fire.
Players eager to know about this fiery character can talk to her and begin the Fire Yoga questline. A total of 150,000 XP can be earned by completing all her challenges.
How to complete all Fortnite Season 8 Ember Fire Yoga questline challenges
There are five stages in the Ember: Fire Yoga questline. To begin this questline, players must first interact with Ember, located at the Scenic Spot, northwest of Corny Crops.
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Here is the list:
- Stage 1: Destroy a fireplace at Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs , Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park (0/1) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 2: Set structures on fire (0/10) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 3: Emote within 5m of a vehicle that's smoking (0/1) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 4: Ignite an opponent with a firefly jar (0/1) - 30,000 XP
- Stage 5: Heal from a campfire (0/15) - 30,000 XP

Stage 1) Destroy a fireplace at Lazy Lake, Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges, or Pleasant Park (0/1) - 30,000 XP
Players will have to keep an eye out for buildings that have chimneys. Once located, all that's left to do is enter and smash a fireplace to complete the first stage of this challenge.
Stage 2) Set structures on fire (0/10) - 30,000 XP
There are numerous ways to accomplish this Fortnite challenge. Players can either use firefly jars or gas cans to set structures ablaze. One should definitely be careful while attempting this challenge as the fire can spread quickly.
Stage 3) Emote within 5m of a vehicle that's smoking (0/1) - 30,000 XP
Players simply have to damage a vehicle until black smoke appears from its bonnet. Once this happens, simply emote near it to complete this challenge.
Stage 4) Ignite an opponent with a firefly jar (0/1) - 30,000 XP
The firefly jar explosives can be located all over the map. However, they can be found in abundance in and around two locations in particular, Sludgy Swamp and Weeping Woods. Players will need to throw them at opponents and set them ablaze to complete this Fortnite challenge.
Stage 5) Heal from a campfire (0/15) - 30,000 XP
To complete the final stage of this Fortnite challenge, players need to find and light a campfire. They can be found across the island and no wood is needed to light them.
Note: These Fortnite challenges are not bound to a single match and can be completed in multiple matches.