One question many gamers were anxious to have answered when Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl was released was how the EXP Share would work.
This item has been vital to Pokemon trainers ever since it was introduced. The EXP Share allows Pokemon to get experience without having to appear in battle. This means that trainers will have to grind less. Extra experience also helps trainers take on powerful opponents in the endgame of Generation IV.
Permanent EXP Share in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
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In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Exp Share spreads out experience throught a trainer’s entire team. So, even if a trainer solos a battle with one Pokemon, every other member on their team will get some experience.
This EXP Share will also be permanently activated; trainers won’t be able to turn it off. This has been consistent with the way Exp Share has worked in the past since Generation VI.
In the previous generations, EXP Share used to be a held item. Trainers could only give it to one Pokemon, making it the sole recipient of additional experience.
On the surface, it may seem odd that someone would even want to turn this new EXP Share off in the first place. Veterans of the series, however, occasionally look for greater challenges.

With the implementation of EXP Share, trainers have little to no issue with Gym Battles, since they will probably never be underleveled. Any trainer that catches an underleveled Pokemon can have it attain experience in a short time.
Some Pokemon fans believe that this makes the game easier. However, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl might still be challenging regardless of the EXP Share.
The endgame for these Generation IV remakes is just about as difficult as it was in the games they originated from. Many of the Elite Four members have overleveled Pokemon, including Cynthia’s level 66 Garchomp that can simply shred teams all by itself.
Seeing as these battles are still incredibly difficult, the Exp Share only allows trainers to somewhat keep up level wise. They still need a balanced team and a strong gameplan if they want to be Champion of the Sinnoh League.
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