Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Theory and Applications
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:072831
Channel Characteristics and Transmission Performance for Various Channel Configurations at 60 GHz
Extensive measurements are conducted in room environments at 60 GHz to analyze the channel characteristics for various channel configurations. Channel parameters retrieved from measurements are presented and a...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:019613 -
Rain-Induced Bistatic Scattering at 60 GHz
This paper presents the results of a study into the modeling and prediction of rain-induced bistatic scattering at 60 GHz. The bistatic radar equation together with Mie theory is applied as the basis for calcu...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:053203 -
Comparison of OQPSK and CPM for Communications at 60 GHz with a Nonideal Front End
Short-range digital communications at 60 GHz have recently received a lot of interest because of the huge bandwidth available at those frequencies. The capacity offered to the users could finally reach 2 Gbps,...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:086206 -
Rain Attenuation at 58 GHz: Prediction versus Long-Term Trial Results
Electromagnetic wave propagation research in frequency band 58 GHz was started at TESTCOM in Praha due to lack of experimentally obtained results needed for a realistic calculation of quality and availability ...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:046083 -
Direct Conversion EHM Transceivers Design for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Applications
A direct conversion modulator-demodulator with even harmonic mixers for fixed wireless applications is presented. The circuits consist of even harmonic mixers (EHMs) realized with antiparallel diode pairs (APD...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:032807 -
60 GHz Indoor Propagation Studies for Wireless Communications Based on a Ray-Tracing Method
This paper demonstrates a ray-tracing method for modeling indoor propagation channels at 60 GHz. A validation of the ray-tracing model with our in-house measurement is also presented. Based on the validated mo...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2007 2007:073928 -
60-GHz Millimeter-Wave Radio: Principle, Technology, and New Results
The worldwide opening of a massive amount of unlicensed spectra around 60 GHz has triggered great interest in developing affordable 60-GHz radios. This interest has been catalyzed by recent advance of 60-GHz f...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2006 2007:068253 -
An Overview of Multigigabit Wireless through Millimeter Wave Technology: Potentials and Technical Challenges
This paper presents an overview of 60 GHz technology and its potentials to provide next generation multigigabit wireless communications systems. We begin by reviewing the state-of-art of the 60 GHz radio. Then...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2006 2007:078907 -
V-Band Multiport Heterodyne Receiver for High-Speed Communication Systems
A V-band receiver using a MHMIC multiport circuit is presented in this paper. The millimeterwave frequency conversion is performed using a passive circuit, the multiport, and related power detectors, avoiding ...
Citation: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2006 2007:034358