The total enumerated population is 2,097,319 persons.
The total resident population is 1,836,713 persons.
The total non-resident population, which includes the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia absent abroad for more than 12 months and the foreigners temporarily present in the Republic of North Macedonia for less than 12 months, is 260,606 persons included in the Census.
The number of persons for whom the data are taken from administrative sources is 132,260 or 7.20% of the resident population.
In the total enumerated population, 54.21% declared themselves as Macedonians, 29.52% as Albanians, 3.98% as Turks, 2.34% as Roma, 1.18% as Serbs, 0.87% as Bosniaks and 0,44% as Vlachs.
In the total resident population in the Republic of North Macedonia, 58.44% of the population declared themselves as Macedonians, 24.30% as Albanians, 3.86% as Turks, 2.53% as Roma, 0.47% as Vlachs, 1.30% as Serbs and 0.87% as Bosniaks.
In the total non-resident population included in the Census, which includes the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia absent abroad for more than 12 months and foreigners temporarily present in the Republic of North Macedonia for less than 12 months, 24.45% declared themselves as Macedonians, 66.36% as Albanians, 4.79% as Turks, 1.02% as Roma, 0.19% as Vlachs, 0.35 as% Serbs,
0.81% as Bosniaks and others.
The number of foreigners temporarily present in the Republic of North Macedonia for less than 12 months is 1674 people.
In the total resident population of the Republic of North Macedonia, 50.4% are women and 49.6% are men.
According to the age structure, the largest percentage of the population 7% - are in the age group of 40 to 44 years. A curiosity is that in North Macedonia, 51 people over the age of 100 were registered.
According to their religious affiliation, 46.14% declared themselves as Orthodox, 32.17% as Muslims (Islam), 0.37% as Catholics, as well as a number of other religious communities that were not present in the previous censuses, such as: Evangelical Protestant Christians, Agnostics, Buddhists, and others.
61.38% of the enumerated population stated that their mother tongue is Macedonian, 24.34% Albanian mother tongue, 3.41% Turkish,
1.73% Romani, 0.17%, Vlach, 0.61% Serbian, and 0.85% Bosnian.
The number of households is 598 632, and the average number of household members is 3.06.
Many detailed data from the Census 2021 can be found in the Makstat database on the website, where the sets of tables with data from the Census 2021 will be published in the coming period.