Coolangatta holiday rentals

We found 236 holiday rentals — enter your dates for availability

Discover a selection of 9 homes and other holiday rentals in Coolangatta that are perfect for your trip. Whether you're travelling with your children and pets, with friends or just your children, holiday homes have the best amenities for spending time at your holiday home, which might include Wi-Fi and a washer and dryer. You'll be sure to find a property to rent for everyone's needs, including places that are non-smoking or accessible.

Frequently asked questions

What is the most popular type of holiday home accommodation in Coolangatta?
The most sought-after types of holiday homes in Coolangatta are apartments. Prefer something different? Stayz has numerous options to match the diverse needs of our guests, so you’ll see holiday properties in all sizes and shapes. The perfect fit is waiting for you — discover yours today.
How much does it cost to rent a holiday home in Coolangatta?
Different things can determine the price of a holiday home in Coolangatta, like the time of year, length of stay and property type. Still, all Stayz homes have one thing in common — excellent value. Just add your travel dates to find your ideal match.
How much does it cost to rent a beach house in Coolangatta?
The average price for a holiday home by the beach in Coolangatta depends on when you’re travelling and the style and size of property you want. You can find prices easily and quickly on Stayz by entering your destination and preferred travel dates. Then use the filter tool to select the number of bedrooms and amenities that you need, like WiFi, air conditioning and a hot tub.
Are there pet-friendly holiday homes in Coolangatta?
Pack a travel bag and a bone for your beloved pooch because Coolangatta has 164 properties that throw open their doors to pets. Let your four-legged friend enjoy the family fun at one of our pet-friendly holiday homes on Stayz. Simply enter your travel dates then check the “Pets allowed” filter box.
Can I rent a house with a pool in Coolangatta?
Add a new level of fun to your trip by staying in one of the 104 houses with a private pool in Coolangatta. Use our handy search filter to find the kind of property you want on Stayz, and then spend lazy days splashing about in a swimming pool that’s all yours.
What are popular home amenities in Coolangatta?
The most popular home amenities guests are looking for in Coolangatta include a barbecue grill, an ocean view and a sauna. Whether you’re taking a trip with friends, family or even pets, Stayz holiday properties come with the best amenities for ultimate relaxation with the people that matter most.
Are there large group holiday homes in Coolangatta?
Take your pick of 52 Stayz properties in Coolangatta that can accommodate a group of five or more people. You’ll enjoy all the room and privacy you need to spend time with your nearest and dearest — and nobody else.
Are there holiday homes in Coolangatta that welcome kids?
Bring the whole group together for an unforgettable adventure in Coolangatta at one of our 164 family-friendly holiday homes. Many of these stays offer amenities that are great for trips with children, including laundry facilities, multiple bedrooms and entertainment areas. Simply check the “Properties good for families” filter and pick your favourite option.
What are the top attractions for families in Coolangatta?
You’ll find lots of awesome things to do and see with the family in Coolangatta, such as:

  • Kirra Beach
  • Coolangatta Beach
  • Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary

Are there one-bedroom holiday homes in Coolangatta?
Yes, you can take your pick from 22 one-bedroom homes in Coolangatta. Whether you’re on the lookout for a cosy cottage or a fancy condo, our one-bedroom properties are great if you don’t require lots of space. One of the best parts about having your own place? You won’t ever have to share your trip with strangers.
Can I find two-bedroom holiday homes in Coolangatta?
Take your pick of 113 two-bedroom holiday homes in Coolangatta. Settle the kids into the second room or fill it with a couple of your favourite people. There’s space for whoever’s lucky enough to be coming along.
Are there holiday homes with WiFi in Coolangatta?
Whether you’d like to keep up to date with the news, send a few emails or surf social networks, there are 13 holiday homes with WiFi in Coolangatta. Check the “WiFi” box when searching on Stayz and stay connected on your holiday.
How can I find holiday homes with air conditioning in Coolangatta?
You’ll have your pick of 105 Stayz holiday homes with air conditioning in Coolangatta providing that cool, cool breeze and extra level of comfort. Just enter your preferred travel dates and then take advantage of our filter tool to help you find stays with air conditioning.
How old do you have to be to rent a holiday home in Coolangatta?
The minimum age requirements can differ between properties on Stayz, so be sure to look at the rules of the holiday home in Coolangatta you want to book. But in general, it’s 16, 18 or 21.
How long can I rent a holiday home in Coolangatta for?
It really depends on the Coolangatta property. To see a list of options offering extended stays, just type your dates and number of guests into the Stayz search page. You can look forward to having the place to yourself, along with comforts such as a fully-equipped kitchen, air conditioning and an outdoor space to run around in. Keep your eyes open for any long-term stays that offer weekly or monthly discounts.

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