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t="",e=0,r=n.variants;e\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,p=(new RegExp("^"+p.source),new RegExp(p.source+"$"),a(y()));f=Error,(0,p.__extends)(A,f);function A(){var n=null!==f&&f.apply(this,arguments)||this;return n.type="MISSING_LOCALE_DATA",n}var v=a(i()),p=a(h()),C=new WeakMap;function D(n){var a=C.get(n);return a||(a=Object.create(null),C.set(n,a)),a}var M=p.supplemental.likelySubtags,i=["ca","co","hc","kf","kn","nu"],E=/^[a-z0-9]{3,8}(-[a-z0-9]{3,8})*$/i;function N(n,a,t,e,r){return void 0===e&&(e=[]),r?{lang:n&&"und"!==n?n:r.lang,script:a||r.script,region:t||r.region,variants:(0,L.__spreadArray)((0,L.__spreadArray)([],e),r.variants)}:{lang:n||"und",script:a,region:t,variants:e}}function w(n){var n=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(n),a=n.lang,t=a.lang,e=a.script,r=a.region,a=a.variants;if(e&&r){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(e){var u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,void 0,r,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}if(r){u=M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:t,region:r,variants:[]})];if(u)return u=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,void 0,a,u),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n)}u=M[t]||M[(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:"und",script:e,variants:[]})];if(u)return t=(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(u),n.lang=N(void 0,e,r,a,t),(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)(n);throw new Error("No match for addLikelySubtags")}I.prototype.maximize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(w(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.minimize=function(){var a=D(this).locale;try{return new I(function n(a){if(t=w(a)){var t=(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(t)),{variants:[]})),e=(0,v.parseUnicodeLocaleId)(a),r=e.lang,u=r.lang,i=r.script,o=r.region,r=r.variants;if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,void 0,r)}));if(o)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,region:o,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,void 0,o,r)}));if(i)if(w((0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)({lang:u,script:i,variants:[]}))===t)return(0,v.emitUnicodeLocaleId)((0,L.__assign)((0,L.__assign)({},e),{lang:N(u,i,void 0,r)}))}return a}(a))}catch(n){return new I(a)}},I.prototype.toString=function(){return D(this).locale},Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"baseName",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.emitUnicodeLanguageId)((0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n))},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"calendar",{get:function(){return D(this).calendar},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"collation",{get:function(){return D(this).collation},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"hourCycle",{get:function(){return D(this).hourCycle},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"caseFirst",{get:function(){return D(this).caseFirst},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numeric",{get:function(){return D(this).numeric},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"numberingSystem",{get:function(){return D(this).numberingSystem},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"language",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).lang},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"script",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).script},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),Object.defineProperty(I.prototype,"region",{get:function(){var n=D(this).locale;return(0,v.parseUnicodeLanguageId)(n).region},enumerable:!1,configurable:!0}),I.relevantExtensionKeys=i;p=I;function I(n,a){if(!(this&&this instanceof I?this.constructor:void 0))throw new TypeError("Intl.Locale must be called with 'new'");var t=I.relevantExtensionKeys,e=["initializedLocale","locale","calendar","collation","hourCycle","numberingSystem"];if(-1\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/;new RegExp("^"+u.source),new RegExp(u.source+"$");function d(u,e,t,n,i){var r=function u(e,t,n,i,r){return D(e[t],n,i,r)}(e,"minimumIntegerDigits",1,21,1),o=e.minimumFractionDigits,a=e.maximumFractionDigits,l=e.minimumSignificantDigits,e=e.maximumSignificantDigits;u.minimumIntegerDigits=r,void 0!==l||void 0!==e?(u.roundingType="significantDigits",l=D(l,1,21,1),e=D(e,l,21,21),u.minimumSignificantDigits=l,u.maximumSignificantDigits=e):void 0!==o||void 0!==a?(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",o=D(o,0,20,t),a=D(a,o,20,Math.max(o,n)),u.minimumFractionDigits=o,u.maximumFractionDigits=a):"compact"===i?u.roundingType="compactRounding":(u.roundingType="fractionDigits",u.minimumFractionDigits=t,u.maximumFractionDigits=n)}function t(u,e,t,n){var i=n.availableLocales,r=n.relevantExtensionKeys,o=n.localeData,a=n.getDefaultLocale,n=n.getInternalSlots,e=c(e),l=Object.create(null),t=function u(e){return void 0===e?Object.create(null):f(e)}(t),n=n(u),D=(n.initializedPluralRules=!0,F(t,"localeMatcher","string",["best fit","lookup"],"best fit")),D=(l.localeMatcher=D,n.type=F(t,"type","string",["cardinal","ordinal"],"cardinal"),d(n,t,0,3,"standard"),g(i,e,l,r,o,a));return n.locale=D.locale,u}function e(u,e,t){var n=t.getInternalSlots,t=t.PluralRuleSelect,n=n(u);return p("Object"===r(n),"pl has to be an object"),p("initializedPluralRules"in n,"pluralrules must be initialized"),p("Number"===r(e),"n must be a number"),isFinite(e)?t(n.locale,n.type,e,function u(e){p("string"==typeof e,"GetOperands should have been called with a string");var t,n,i,r=l(e),o=(p(isFinite(r),"n should be finite"),e.indexOf(".")),a="",o=-1===o?(n=r,t=0):(n=e.slice(0,o),t=l(a=e.slice(o,e.length)),a.length),e=Math.abs(l(n));return a=0!==t?(i=(n=a.replace(/0+$/,"")).length,l(n)):i=0,{Number:r,IntegerDigits:e,NumberOfFractionDigits:o,NumberOfFractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:i,FractionDigits:t,FractionDigitsWithoutTrailing:a}}(o(n,e).formattedString)):"other"}function h(u,e){for(var t=[],n=0,i=e;na[a.length-1]?a[a.length-1].length-1:-1===(o=a.indexOf(c))||"0"===l[c=a[o]].other?0:c.length-l[c].other.match(/0+/)[0].length:0}}function c(n,t,e){var u,r,i,a,o,c=e;if(a=0===n?(u=m("0",c),r=0):(i=(a=n.toString()).indexOf("e"),o=(a=a.split("e"))[0],a=a[1],o=o.replace(".",""),0<=i&&o.length<=c?(r=+a,u=o+m("0",c-o.length),n):(r=f(n),i=Math.round(s(n,r-c+1)),10<=s(i,c-1)&&(r+=1,i=Math.floor(i/10)),u=i.toString(),s(i,c-1-r))),o=c-1<=r?(u+=m("0",r-c+1),r+1):0<=r?(u=u.slice(0,r+1)+"."+u.slice(r+1),r+1):(u="0."+m("0",-r-1)+u,1),0<=u.indexOf(".")&&t\^`\|~\xA2-\xA6\xA8\xA9\xAC\xAE-\xB1\xB4\xB8\xD7\xF7\u02C2-\u02C5\u02D2-\u02DF\u02E5-\u02EB\u02ED\u02EF-\u02FF\u0375\u0384\u0385\u03F6\u0482\u058D-\u058F\u0606-\u0608\u060B\u060E\u060F\u06DE\u06E9\u06FD\u06FE\u07F6\u07FE\u07FF\u09F2\u09F3\u09FA\u09FB\u0AF1\u0B70\u0BF3-\u0BFA\u0C7F\u0D4F\u0D79\u0E3F\u0F01-\u0F03\u0F13\u0F15-\u0F17\u0F1A-\u0F1F\u0F34\u0F36\u0F38\u0FBE-\u0FC5\u0FC7-\u0FCC\u0FCE\u0FCF\u0FD5-\u0FD8\u109E\u109F\u1390-\u1399\u166D\u17DB\u1940\u19DE-\u19FF\u1B61-\u1B6A\u1B74-\u1B7C\u1FBD\u1FBF-\u1FC1\u1FCD-\u1FCF\u1FDD-\u1FDF\u1FED-\u1FEF\u1FFD\u1FFE\u2044\u2052\u207A-\u207C\u208A-\u208C\u20A0-\u20BF\u2100\u2101\u2103-\u2106\u2108\u2109\u2114\u2116-\u2118\u211E-\u2123\u2125\u2127\u2129\u212E\u213A\u213B\u2140-\u2144\u214A-\u214D\u214F\u218A\u218B\u2190-\u2307\u230C-\u2328\u232B-\u2426\u2440-\u244A\u249C-\u24E9\u2500-\u2767\u2794-\u27C4\u27C7-\u27E5\u27F0-\u2982\u2999-\u29D7\u29DC-\u29FB\u29FE-\u2B73\u2B76-\u2B95\u2B97-\u2BFF\u2CE5-\u2CEA\u2E50\u2E51\u2E80-\u2E99\u2E9B-\u2EF3\u2F00-\u2FD5\u2FF0-\u2FFB\u3004\u3012\u3013\u3020\u3036\u3037\u303E\u303F\u309B\u309C\u3190\u3191\u3196-\u319F\u31C0-\u31E3\u3200-\u321E\u322A-\u3247\u3250\u3260-\u327F\u328A-\u32B0\u32C0-\u33FF\u4DC0-\u4DFF\uA490-\uA4C6\uA700-\uA716\uA720\uA721\uA789\uA78A\uA828-\uA82B\uA836-\uA839\uAA77-\uAA79\uAB5B\uAB6A\uAB6B\uFB29\uFBB2-\uFBC1\uFDFC\uFDFD\uFE62\uFE64-\uFE66\uFE69\uFF04\uFF0B\uFF1C-\uFF1E\uFF3E\uFF40\uFF5C\uFF5E\uFFE0-\uFFE6\uFFE8-\uFFEE\uFFFC\uFFFD]|\uD800[\uDD37-\uDD3F\uDD79-\uDD89\uDD8C-\uDD8E\uDD90-\uDD9C\uDDA0\uDDD0-\uDDFC]|\uD802[\uDC77\uDC78\uDEC8]|\uD805\uDF3F|\uD807[\uDFD5-\uDFF1]|\uD81A[\uDF3C-\uDF3F\uDF45]|\uD82F\uDC9C|\uD834[\uDC00-\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD26\uDD29-\uDD64\uDD6A-\uDD6C\uDD83\uDD84\uDD8C-\uDDA9\uDDAE-\uDDE8\uDE00-\uDE41\uDE45\uDF00-\uDF56]|\uD835[\uDEC1\uDEDB\uDEFB\uDF15\uDF35\uDF4F\uDF6F\uDF89\uDFA9\uDFC3]|\uD836[\uDC00-\uDDFF\uDE37-\uDE3A\uDE6D-\uDE74\uDE76-\uDE83\uDE85\uDE86]|\uD838[\uDD4F\uDEFF]|\uD83B[\uDCAC\uDCB0\uDD2E\uDEF0\uDEF1]|\uD83C[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDC30-\uDC93\uDCA0-\uDCAE\uDCB1-\uDCBF\uDCC1-\uDCCF\uDCD1-\uDCF5\uDD0D-\uDDAD\uDDE6-\uDE02\uDE10-\uDE3B\uDE40-\uDE48\uDE50\uDE51\uDE60-\uDE65\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD83D[\uDC00-\uDED7\uDEE0-\uDEEC\uDEF0-\uDEFC\uDF00-\uDF73\uDF80-\uDFD8\uDFE0-\uDFEB]|\uD83E[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC10-\uDC47\uDC50-\uDC59\uDC60-\uDC87\uDC90-\uDCAD\uDCB0\uDCB1\uDD00-\uDD78\uDD7A-\uDDCB\uDDCD-\uDE53\uDE60-\uDE6D\uDE70-\uDE74\uDE78-\uDE7A\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE90-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEB6\uDEC0-\uDEC2\uDED0-\uDED6\uDF00-\uDF92\uDF94-\uDFCA]/,Vn=new RegExp("^"+L.source),Xn=new RegExp(L.source+"$"),Hn=/[#0](?:[\.,][#0]+)*/g;function zn(n,t,e,u){var r,i=n.sign,a=n.exponent,o=n.magnitude,c=u.notation,l=u.style,s=u.numberingSystem,f=t.numbers.nu[0],m=null;if("compact"===c&&o&&(m=function n(t,e,u,r,i,a,o){var c,l=t.roundedNumber,s=t.sign,t=t.magnitude,t=String(Math.pow(10,t)),f=u.numbers.nu[0];if("currency"===r&&"name"!==a){r=(m=u.numbers.currency)[o]||m[f],r=null==(a=r.short)?void 0:a[t];if(!r)return null;c=P(e,l,r)}else{var m,a=((m=u.numbers.decimal)[o]||m[f])[i][t];if(!a)return null;c=P(e,l,a)}return"0"!==c?c=j(c,s).replace(/([^\s;\-\+\d¤]+)/g,"{c:$1}").replace(/0+/,"0"):null}(n,e,t,l,u.compactDisplay,u.currencyDisplay,s)),"currency"===l&&"name"!==u.currencyDisplay){var D=t.currencies[u.currency];if(D)switch(u.currencyDisplay){case"code":r=u.currency;break;case"symbol":r=D.symbol;break;default:r=D.narrow}else r=u.currency}o=m||("decimal"===l||"unit"===l||"currency"===l&&"name"===u.currencyDisplay?j((t.numbers.decimal[s]||t.numbers.decimal[f]).standard,i):j("currency"===l?(p=t.numbers.currency[s]||t.numbers.currency[f])[u.currencySign]:t.numbers.percent[s]||t.numbers.percent[f],i));for(var g=Hn.exec(o)[0],p=(o=o.replace(Hn,"{0}").replace(/'(.)'/g,"$1"),(o="currency"===l&&"name"!==u.currencyDisplay&&((i=(p=t.numbers.currency[s]||t.numbers.currency[f]).currencySpacing.afterInsertBetween)&&!Xn.test(r)&&(o=o.replace("¤{0}","¤"+i+"{0}")),i=p.currencySpacing.beforeInsertBetween)&&!Vn.test(r)?o.replace("{0}¤","{0}"+i+"¤"):o).split(/({c:[^}]+}|\{0\}|[¤%\-\+])/g)),d=[],h=t.numbers.symbols[s]||t.numbers.symbols[f],y=0,F=p;yFrench Quarter Early Creole Slave Quarter, Balcony, Courtyard. - New Orleans | Stayz
French Quarter Early Creole Slave Quarter, Balcony, Courtyard.
In the heart of the French Quarter, this lovely and secluded pied a terre is just four and a half blocks away from Jackson Square and ½ a block from Armstrong Park. Dating back to the early 1800’s, this stucco structure was the slave quarter to the main house, and both are excellent examples of early Creole architecture. The neighborhood was that of free people of color and the famed Voodoo priestess, Marie Laveau, lived just two doors away. This beautifully furnished and appointed residence sleeps five and consists of two bedrooms with one bath between and a large fully furnished kitchen. A balcony with stunning roof top views is accessible from both bedrooms and overlooks a large courtyard that guests have full access to. There are laundry facilities on the premises. Cable and internet are both provided
Keywords: In the heart of the French Quarter, this lovely and secluded pied a terre is just four and a half blocks away from Jackson Square and ½ a block from Armstrong Park. Dating back to the early 1800’s, this stucco structure was the slave quarter to the main house, and both are excellent examples of early Creole architecture. The neighborhood was that of free people of color and the famed Voodoo priestess, Marie Laveau, lived just two doors away. This beautifully furnished and appointed residence sleeps five and consists of two bedrooms with one bath between and a large fully furnished kitchen. A balcony with stunning roof top views is accessible from both bedrooms and overlooks a large courtyard that guests have full access to. There are laundry facilities on the premises. Cable and internet are both provided.
Property manager
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Air conditioning
Outdoor space
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Flexible check-in available (contact host in advance of arrival)
Flexible check-out available (contact host to arrange)
Children allowed: ages 0–17
No events allowed
Pets allowed
Smoking is not permitted
Important information
You need to know
Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on property policy
Government-issued photo identification and a credit card, debit card or cash deposit may be required at check-in for incidental charges
Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges; special requests cannot be guaranteed
On-site parties or group events are strictly prohibited
Host has indicated that there is a carbon monoxide detector on the property
Host has indicated that there is a smoke detector on the property
Safety features at this property include a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and a deadlock
We should mention
A car is not required for transport to and from this property
About the area
New Orleans
French Quarter, a neighbourhood in New Orleans, is home to this condo. Julia Street Cruise Terminal and Port of New Orleans are worth checking out if an activity is on the agenda, while those in the mood for shopping can visit Canal Street and French Market. Audubon Aquarium and Audubon Zoo are not to be missed.
New Orleans, LA
What's nearby
Bourbon Street - 3 min walk - 0.3 km
Mardi Gras - 5 min walk - 0.5 km
Canal Street - 11 min walk - 1.0 km
Caesars New Orleans Casino - 19 min walk - 1.7 km
Caesars Superdome - 4 min drive - 2.5 km
Getting around
North Rampart at Ursulines Stop - 6 min walk
New Orleans Union Passenger Terminal - 7 min drive
New Orleans, LA (MSY-Louis Armstrong New Orleans Intl.) - 22 min drive
Bourbon Pub - 3 min walk
Bourbon Heat - 4 min walk
Fritzel's European Jazz Pub - 3 min walk
Cat's Meow - 4 min walk
Oz New Orleans - 3 min walk
Frequently asked questions
Is French Quarter Early Creole Slave Quarter, Balcony, Courtyard. pet-friendly?
Yes, pets are allowed at this property.
Where is French Quarter Early Creole Slave Quarter, Balcony, Courtyard. located?
Located in French Quarter, this condo building is within a 5-minute walk of Louis Armstrong Park and Bourbon Street. Café du Monde and French Market are also within 10 minutes. North Rampart at Ursulines Stop is 6 minutes by foot and North Rampart at Conti Stop is 8 minutes.
Reviews are presented in chronological order, subject to a moderation process, and verified unless otherwise labelled.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Connie L.
30 Sept 2017
My new home away from home
I loved this place SO much! We were there for a week; Lee and Rose could not have been more kind and accommodating. The furnishings - including the antiques - were exquisite, and Elliott was such a happy little host dog that I couldn't help but fall in love with this place. I'd live there if I could but, since I can't, I'll have to settle for saving for my next trip!
Connie L.
Stayed 6 nights in Sep 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Stephanie T.
19 June 2017
Fantastic location and host!
We stayed here for 3 nights and loved the location and easy access to all the sites. We were able to walk to everything we wanted to see and got some great recommendations from Lee (the host). The courtyard is beautiful and relaxing even though I spent most of the time on the balcony. All of the accommodations were great and will definitely return. The only problem is that we fell in love with Elliot, our dog host, and wanted to take him home with us!!! The 2 bedrooms were perfect since we had our nephew and this place was a great combination of relaxation filled with touristy plans we had. We were able to come back easily to rest between all our activities.
Stephanie T.
Stayed 3 nights in Jun 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Michael P.
18 June 2017
Trip cut short but would stay again
This property is very quaint and in a very accessible area of The French Quarter. The host is gracious and friendly, and her dog Elliott was a joy. My daughter loved him. Our trip was cut short due to an unforeseen family issue but we would stay again. Some things to know: the stairs are very steep so someone with walking issues should consider this. Also, being an old slave quarters, the lower level did feel a little cramped for 4 people, but we made it work. This property would be best suited for a couple, who didn't plan to stay indoors a lot. But don't let these minor FYI's dissuade you from a authentic New Orleans experience by a wonderful host and her dog.
Michael P.
Stayed 4 nights in May 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Karen M., United States
13 June 2017
Home in the French Quarter
We loved the space, and the location in fantastic! We had everything we needed during our stay. It just felt like home. We will definitely try to stay here again when we visit New Orleans in the future.
I would be remiss in reviewing this property without mentioning the host! Lee was a perfect host. She really took care of us. We also got to meet her dog, Elliott, who is a sweetheart!
Karen M.
Stayed 3 nights in May 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
michael k.
5 June 2017
Miss Elliott already. Nice job Miss Lee!
michael k.
Stayed 3 nights in May 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
kendra k.
18 Apr 2017
Awesome area, nice host and Elliot (the dog), is the mayor of the place!
We went with another couple and had plenty of room. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay. The host was very accommodating and helpful. We were greeted every morning with a smile from her puppy dog . The location is perfect. Just around the corner from the action and quite. Nice walking distance to everything . We sat in the courtyard in the evening and played music and drank wine. I would rent here again, no problems.
kendra k.
Stayed 4 nights in Mar 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Theresa W.
12 Apr 2017
Beautifully appointed. A true home in the Quarter!
Far enough away from Bourbon St so that peace is attained but still in the center of the Quarter for an easy walk from one end to the other. Proprietor is lovely & you get to make friends with her darling dog. This is my second stay here with family & as long as I am traveling with at least one other person, I'll never stay anywhere else!
Theresa W.
Stayed 7 nights in Mar 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Darin S.
24 Mar 2017
We loved it!
First, Lee was very accomodating for our early arrival, even after having renters the night before! The location was perfect, far enough away to not be too loud, but only a few blocks from everything! The private courtyard/pato was very cozy. The mattresses were super comfy. Lastly, Elliot (Lee's dog) was cuddly and personable. Can you tell, we totally loved it!
Darin S.
Stayed 4 nights in Mar 2017
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Susan L.
8 Nov 2016
Great location great host!
This early Creole house is in a great location with a private court yard that provides for some rest and relaxation after a long day/night in the French Quarter. The home sleeps 4 comfortable, 5 if you use the day bed in the living room but that would be tight with one bathroom.
The home is well stocked with the necessities and Lee will accommodate any check out time..
I highly recommend this home, we will be back!
Susan L.
Stayed 4 nights in Oct 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Donna H., Where do you live?Houston
1 Nov 2016
Perfect French Quarter Cottage!!!!
Beautifully decorated, wonderful beds, perfect courtyard, ideal location!!!!! We had a fabulous time & would recommend this rental!!!!
Donna H.
Stayed 3 nights in Oct 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Jennifer B.
26 June 2016
Great French Quarter Get Away
We met another couple down in the French Quarter for 4 days, and this place was fantastic for our needs. It has a great location, and Lee is a great hostess. She was just across the courtyard, available for any questions we had, and left us to our own devices, outside of a few recommendations when we arrived. Check in and out instructions were clearly communicated, and we had everything we needed (toilet paper, towels, etc.) in the place itself.
There is a full kitchen, though we only utilized the fridge and freezer, and the bedrooms are quite nice, upstairs. The bathroom was clean, and the shower was superior anything in a hotel. The only word of caution I will provide is to agree with other reviewers about the staircase: it is super steep, super narrow, and the stair steps are very shallow. People with mobility issues (which included us after drinking on Bourbon St.) may have issues with the stairs.
The AC works great, and felt great after roaming the French Quarter in the summer heat. There is a convenience store one block away on Burgundy, and Bourbon St. is within stumbling distance. Our friends drove their car down and used Lee's parking pass, but we did not drive at all. We walked the entire time and it was perfect. We would not only recommend this place, we plan to stay again in the future.
Oh, also, because so many other reviews have mentioned him, Elliot the dog is adorable and charming. He likes to visit, but knows when to leave. My type'a dog. :)
Jennifer B.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
William H.
14 June 2016
My longest lifetime friend and I decided to meet in a city where we really have not explored. After looking at hotel rates, we decided to have a little more character. Boom. Slave Quarters it is. Dip into history and dip into location. We didn't know it was minutes from our preferred gay friendly bars and lots of eateries.
Lee was fantastic and when arriving was welcoming and filled with suggestions of what to do since it was our first time there.
The beds were comfy. Stairs a little steep at times for our old joints but we loved the quiet so we could talk and unwind after a day of walking, eating and social drinking.
William H.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Theresa W.
27 Apr 2016
The best of all locations!
Having stayed in the Quarter, from one end to another, numerous times, I can attest that this truly is the best accommodation ever! The listing description was spot-on and though I had been just a touch concerned about being so close to Ramparts St., it actually ended up feeling totally safe and secure. You can walk to everything in the Quarter and the Marigny from this location in the quiet part of the Quarter, the cottage is comfortable with a full kitchen (which our group took full advantage of), and you can’t beat the gorgeous, tranquil courtyard setting and balcony. The owner, Lee, is amazing – making sure at every turn that our group (two 60-somethings and three 30-somethings) had, or could easily get, everything we needed for our stay. She also had that perfect balance of being warm and friendly without being intrusive in any way and, prior to the trip, she promptly responded to all inquiries and was just a joy to work with. I have already recommended the property to my New Orleans-going friends and would definitely stay here again and hope to do so soon.
Theresa W.
Stayed 6 nights in Mar 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Becky M.
23 Apr 2016
Loved it! 5++++ stars!
Loved this property. Close enough to the action but still quiet enough to sleep at night. Lee was amazing. She was helpful every step of the way. She gave us great recommendations. Elliot, her dog, was a bonus! We are all dog lovers and enjoyed his company. The property does sleep 5, but if you are going with three kids be aware that the single bed is down on the main level while the other two bedrooms are upstairs. Not at all a deal breaker but could be an issue if you have kids that spook easy. We would stay here again and would recommend this property to friends.
Becky M.
Stayed 3 nights in Mar 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Maranda W., Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
17 Apr 2016
Great, quiet space for a small group! Beautiful Courtyard too!
I reserved Lee's property for my sister's bachelorette party in March 2016. The house and rooms were as described, and the accommodations were great! One bathroom amazingly handled all 5 of us and had plenty of towels! The beds were clean and comfy, and the kitchen had all the utensils we needed to make meals and hang out. For 5 gals, this small property was perfect. I would say that a group of 4 people would be very happy with this arrangement. Also, Elliot the dog is quite ladykiller-- he had all of us in love by the end of the trip.
If you have lots of luggage/pieces... it might get a little crammed (speaking from experience, since I had 2 giant suitcases because of a work trip). My sister and I have already said that if and when we come back to NOLA with our husbands, or with other friends-- we would rebook a stay with Lee for this house, without even checking any other options-- we loved it that much. The location cannot be beat! We walked everywhere and loved how central it was. Ubers/Taxis were easy to catch here, and were cheap to get to other locations.
There is a small corner store less than 2 blocks from the house that has everything you need to make breakfast, make mimosas or even get a quick sandwich.
There is a few bars within walking distance that aren't on bourbon street (thankful for that change of pace)... and there is a AWESOME french cafe on rampart a block or two away that had incredible fresh pastries.
The only thing I mention is that the front house shares the courtyard, so there will be Elliot and people sharing that space at any given time. At one point on Saturday morning someone began washing and drying a pair of sneakers and the noise woke us all up... so it was a little rough on our hangover, but can be expected with a shared space.
Loved how convenient everything is in this neighborhood, and everyone is kind and helpful. Couldn't have asked for a better, more magical weekend for my first visit to NOLA!
Maranda W.
Stayed 4 nights in Mar 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Ray M.
3 Apr 2016
Excellent location, adorable house.
Lee was an unobtrusive, laid-back host.
The house was very cute--a lovely hideaway with an amazing courtyard/outdoor space.
Beds were super comfortable.
We shared the house with another couple: could be a bit small for four adults considering there is one bathroom. The kitchen and dining area are modest, but that was not a significant factor for us.
Ray M.
Stayed 3 nights in Mar 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Cinnimon S.
29 Mar 2016
Very Lovely
Thank You to Ms. Lee and Elliott. So very nice and kind. and thank you New Orleans...FABULOUS!!
Cinnimon S.
Stayed 3 nights in Mar 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Esthel S.
18 Mar 2016
Best part of the visit was staying at this house.
Loved the house and courtyard and especially Lee's dog. He made me miss my own dog a little less. The house was cozy and easily accessible to everything we wanted to see. Lee was very helpful. I would definitely recommend this house to anyone who wants to experience New Orleans. So much better than a hotel.
Esthel S.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Julia P.
8 Mar 2016
Wonderful family trip!
Place was nice and cozy for our family of five. This was our first home away experience and Lee made it real easy. We went with our two teenage daughters and our neice. Everything was close by, so that was wonderful. Again... Lee was wonderful, gave us great pointers where to dine. If you don't need to rent a car, take a taxi to her place, since parking was difficult. Honestly, we only used our rental vehicle to visit family and to and from airport. We definitely will stay here again and recommend it for family. Of course, her dog Elliot was a wonderful housemate and made us feel at home. The courtyard was a nice place to just sit and relax. Thanks again Lee for making our stay and experience with home away a great one!
Julia P.
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Carla C.
8 Feb 2016
Vacation Dog included!
We had a great time staying here. It's exactly as depicted and Elliot (your dog for the stay) will great you daily. He's part of the package and will make himself comfortable as your new friend. The property is small but so very charming. The courtyard was our main living area since we had great weather. The gas lamps give the courtyard a nice glow at night so you can relax after walking the streets of the FQ all day. We got the benefit of seeing the Mardi Gras parade for the Mystic Krewe of Barkus (the parade for dogs) which passed right by the house. It's a straight walk down to Jackson Square and Cafe Du Monde. We liked this location better compared to others that we've stayed in due to the character of the house and it's location. Lee (the owner) was one of the best property owners that I've worked with over the last 8 years using VRBO. She even provided soap, tissues, and TP for our entire stay which most owners do not do. For us, this is a property that we would like to stay in again if we come back with only 4 people. The beds were great, water pressure in shower was good, the air conditioning was fabulous, and the stairs were a little tricky but manageable.
One recommendation for the FQ - go to Preservation Hall! This is an intimate setting where you can enjoy authentic New Orleans jazz. I highly recommend that you get there 30 minutes before the show to stand in line. It's worth it!
Carla C.
Stayed 3 nights in Jan 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Stephen A., United States
4 Feb 2016
Great place to stay
Lee was great to work with, very nice place with everything you need. Close enough to walk everywhere, but very quiet.
Stephen A.
Stayed 3 nights in Jan 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
8/10 Good
carmelle s.
3 Feb 2016
We had an excellent stay for our first time in New Orleans!
The property is beautiful and cozy! The courtyard is gorgeous, also. Lee was very kind and accommodating and even though she lived on the property also, we were not bothered. She does have a lovely dog named Eliot that she let's roam around. He is very sweet and we absolutely love dogs so we didn't mind him hanging out with us. The home had plenty to offer as far as towels, kitchen appliances, plenty of blankets, and toiletries. The best part was that this property is within walking distance to all the action and yet far enough so we can have a quiet night's rest. We were very satisfied!
carmelle s.
Stayed 4 nights in Jan 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
Chad M W.
24 Jan 2016
Great Location & Hospitality
Lee was very friendly and helpful with any questions and concerns we had. The house was cozy and had everything we needed. Beds were comfortable. The location was the best, two blocks from Bourbon Street. We plan to go back!
Chad M W.
Stayed 3 nights in Jan 2016
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
10/10 Excellent
REBECCA S., Oklahoma City
20 Jan 2016
Quaint and wonderful
We stayed here over the new year holiday. The home was perfect for the four of us (all adults). It has an ideal location for walking to your destinations. The owner, Lee Ali, was so kind and helpful to us. The courtyard is gorgeous and very private. The beds are comfortable with doors opening to a porch on the upper floor and the lower floor opens to the courtyard. It is in the quarter but removed just enough that the sounds of Bourbon Street do not reach this location. We had a wonderful time and thought the owner went out of her way to be helpful. I give this five stars. Rebecca Schneider 1-18-16.
Stayed 5 nights in Dec 2015
This review was submitted before 2018 and has not been verified.
6/10 Okay
Laura G.
5 Jan 2016
French Quarter Home
We recently stayed at this property during the Christmas season. I want to start off by saying how much I appreciated the owner’s promptness in answering questions before we arrived, as well as recommendations of things to do in the area. The house was very quaint and charming and possessed character unique to the New Orleans area. Although our overall stay was a good one, I hope this review will shed light on some issues that need to be addressed. As for future renters, this review will also serve as matters to take into consideration before booking.
1. Upon arrival, the owner seemed rushed to introduce herself and give us info about the unit. She basically handed us the keys then headed out. As a paying customer, I don’t feel that I had enough time to ask questions about the property. I was unsure on how to lock the gates, where to take the trash, the location of the provided amenities, and what needed to happen before checkout. For future use, it would be beneficial if management supplied a typed letter of instructions that renters could refer back to.
2. The owner’s dog will come and go into your house as he pleases. Typically this would not be an issue, but it was hard because we had dogs that did not welcome his presence. At one point, I found him upstairs ripping into a treat bag.
3. For those of you bringing pets, there is not a grassy area for them to potty. Instead, just a concrete courtyard.
4. We were not notified of street cleaning and our car was almost towed. Although there are signs posted throughout the city, we hadn’t paid attention beforehand. This would have been helpful information to share upon our arrival.
5. The property is clean, but it is definitely lacking in a “deep clean.” I found the kitchen to be unorganized, lacking in necessities, and grimy.
6. Be sure to pack toilet paper. Having to supply your own toilet paper through VRBO is a given, however, I have never been to a property that doesn’t provide at least one roll. We had to leave immediately and buy toilet paper.
7. The bedrooms were a bit muggy at night. Although there is one portable fan provided, a fan for each room and one for downstairs would have made a huge difference.
Again, I hope the information and comments provided will add improvement to the property, as well as help future renter’s make informed decisions.
Laura G.
About the host
Hosted by Lee
Why they chose this property
Age , condition and architectural integrity of property It is a classic example of early 19th century creole architecture.
What makes this property unique
Authentically restored Original architecture, Gorgeous courtyard with balcony. 3/4 block from Armstrong Park with it's fabulous sculptures, landscaping and Rose gardens. Centrally located. Close to everything while also secluded.