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Hello, guys. I was on my routine checkup at my doctor’s office. I felt perfectly fine, but I like to check my health from time to time. However, I was found increased hemoglobin. I would like to know what this means. I would appreciate if anyone could tell me. Thanks for replying.


Hello. It is great that you have your routine checkups. Normal values for men are from 13.8 to 17.2 grams per deciliter (g/dL). For women these values are from 12.1 to 15.1 g/dL. High levels of blood hemoglobin are related to abnormal red blood cells. There are many causes for this. Those are: smoking, living at a high altitude, failure of the right part of the heart (cor pulmonale), congenital heart disease, dehydration, anabolic steroid use, pulmonary fibrosis, polycythemia vera, kidney disease, exposure to carbon monoxide, etc. These results are only the beginning. You will need more thorough examinations to determine the right cause. I hope this helps. Bye!



From your post and the fact that you are posting here, I'd guess you are quite a young person (as in, not elderly). Are you a smoker, by any chance? That would be my first guess, as smoking is one of the main causes of high/elevated hemoglobin

All the other causes the poster above me listed are also possible, but smoking would be my first bet. If you're not a smoker, do ask your doctor to do a thorough medical checkup to find out why your hemoglobin is elevated, so you can be treated for the underlying cause of this. If you are a smoker, quit. Besides elavated hemoglobin, smoking has many other negative consequences.

Good luck!

