I had my iud removed march 22 2012. Had a period w no pain march 24th lasted 5 days... Had unprotected sex w my husband April 6th, and I started my period again on April 8th, heavy at times and extreme pain n my left ovary... If this was a misscarage or atopic pregnancy could I take a pregnancy test to find out? Other then that I have no stds... Just got over an infection... Any ideas??
It's quite possible that it was an ovarian cyst. IUDs generally prevent cysts, and after taking it out, one may have grown.
It could be a cyst starting to grow, or one that had already been there that hadn't been discovered that is growing. I first noticed pain before and during my period when I was about 19 (I'm now 29) my family doctor said it was a cyst and would go away on it's own. While seeing an OBGYN between 22-29 it grew to 7 cm which is pretty big. So I was told if I left It the weight of it can actually twist my ovary and fallopian tube and cause extreme pain and emergency surgery
emergency surgery
emergency surgery
Oops! My phone didn't let me finish. :) Anyways this past April I had surgery (laproscopic surgery) to have the cyst remove. The cyst ended up too big, so they removed my entire left ovary (which I was previously wanted about) Over all, surgery went well, recovery was great. But, the
doctor did day that now cysts can grow on the other ovary which may have the same outcome. But, the positive part was the cyst was benign. :) Goodluck hun!
doctor did day that now cysts can grow on the other ovary which may have the same outcome. But, the positive part was the cyst was benign. :) Goodluck hun!
I'm having severe pain in pancreas during periods. Earlier I had an endometriosis cyst that was removed through laparoscopic surgery. I have 1 baby, but still, I am not able to control the pain. What can I do?