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Hello, I'm a diabetic T1 and I'm pregnant. Are there any special meal plans I should be looking at? I have my blood sugar levels well under control. I made sure before I got pregnant. But now I know I need to change my diet and of course my medications will be changed as well. Do any of you have some good suggestions for a tasty menu that keeps me and my baby well. I know my diet will have to be a strict one but I am really looking forward to my pregnancy and want to make the best of it. Any of you out there with T1 that had an really good diet. Any info would be appreciated.

Hello, I'm a T1 and I had one child and the diet I used was the one my doctor gave me. It was very easy to follow and very economical as well. You know you need to take in lean protein foods. You want some protein with every meal you have including your snacks. You need fiber and whole grain foods, veggies and fruits can provide that. Make sure to read food labels carefully when choosing the specific foods you want. Pay attention to the calories and serving sizes. This is very important.


Your doctor will put you on a 2,200 Calorie diet that will be well balanced to regulate your sugar levels to keep them as normal as you can. You'll probably have to eat 6 meals a day including snacks. For breakfast you will have 2 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat bread and you can have some skim milk with that. Your mid morning snack will consist of 4 ounces of lean meat and 1 slice of whole wheat bread. Lunch will bring 4 ounces of chicken, turkey or fish with a cup of green salad, brown rice and fruit. Mid-afternoon snack will bring a hand full of nuts or peanut butter and whole grain crackers. For dinner you can have 4 ounces of lean meat or fish, 1 cup of veggies, brown rice and some fruit. Your last snack for the day will be ½ cup of yogurt, 1 slice of whole wheat bread and some fruit. Your doctor will know what's best for you and make adjustments to the above list and change some of the amounts.
