I see too many students thinking that planning for the future doesn’t really matter. That’s just not going to fly.
Students, I'm not telling you that you need to decide what you want to be when you grow up or what specific career you're going to have 20 years from now, but you must constantly think about your academic profile and what general direction you would like it to move in. I am simply asking you to think about what your academic profile currently looks like and where you want it to be next year, the year after that, and the year after that. Whether it's 12 months, 24, or 36 months, you must consider next educational step that you're taking.
I understand that it may seem daunting and like the future is far away. But what you do now academically, extracurricularly, matters later.
So students, please plan for your future. You don’t have to have it all “figured out,” but you do have to think ahead. Think about what you're good at. Think about what you might want to do in college. Think about your interests. Really piggyback on those and everything else will work out. Planning for your future is essential to not only college admissions, but to having a good life.
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