The best milk replacers
for the best value and results.
At Strauss Feeds, we make top-quality, private label milk replacers that optimize the growth and health of infant animals.
Quality milk replacers custom-formulated for large batches, small batches, or for use in auto-feeders.
A full line of supplements for any nutritional need.
A team of experts that provide personalized attention and support every step of the way.
Products are verified according to the highest standards of quality.
Quality customer service that works with you to achieve success.
Agri-Best Supplements
Our line of supplements are comprehensive for any operation to ensure your animals get off to a good start.
Startup Aids
Resources for Calf Raisers
Download our milk replacer mixing guide to share with your team
Strauss Reads
Search our database of articles where we write about everything from scours to whey quality.
Customer Testimonial
“When we first started, we were diagnosing and treating many calves for scours. Out treatment rate was over 20-30 percent of calves needing some type of therapy. We started using Smart Start as a follow up to scours. Since implementing feeding Smart Start to this age bracket we have reduced our treatment of scours to less than 1-2 percent of all calves.”
— Wisconsin Dairy Farmer

Our operations increase quality,
not just quantity.
not just quantity.
State-of-the-Art Engineering
One of the largest structural enhancement projects in our company’s history has just been completed! We now are able to handle more volume while increasing quality and consistency at the same time.

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Strauss leads the way in animal nutrition and industry knowledge. Visit our blog to see what we’re saying about market trends, best practices for infant animal nutrition, and Strauss happenings.
Who are we?
Learn about our company’s rich history of excellence in agriculture.
The use of beef semen on dairy cows has changed the playing field and redefined the meaning of “dairy beef.” Historically, purebred dairy calves that were sold into the beef production system had relatively low value and weren’t always given top-tier treatment at their dairies of origin.