
Your Student Loans Done Right

Congratulations! You are a college graduate! After years of hard work, you have your diploma in hand. Unfortunately, the other hand holds something less desirable: your student loan bill.

We understand how you feel. You are ready to focus on career and family goals, but high student loan payments are weighing on you. Fortunately, you have options, and Student Loan Service is committed to helping you process the required documents in order to achieve a successful consolidation.

Many student loan consolidation programs exist, yet finding the most appropriate option and submitting the required paperwork is complicated. But, it doesn’t have to be. Work with us, and our experienced team will help you process all the required Department of Education consolidation paper work.


This Is How It Works

Check out your Loans

It’s simple. Speak to a SLS advisor to view your loans to help determine which program(s) you may qualify for.

Review Program Options

SLS advisor will review your income and family size to help you choose the program that best suits your needs.

Enjoy New Payment

Once program is chosen, SLS advisor will walk you through agreement to begin document preparation


FREE eBook: 8 Secrets To Lowering Your Student Loan Payments

Learn the Eight Secrets Every College Graduate Should Know About Lowering Student Loan Payments

  • You can Lower Your Monthly Student Loan Payments
  • Federal and Private Loans are Handled Differently
  • Your Student Loan Interest is Tax Deductible
  • You Can Lower Your Student Loan Interest Rate
  • You can Defer Your Loan Payments
  • You can Lower Your Monthly Student Loan Payments Based on Income
  • Student Loans can be Forgiven


So Many Success Stories, Hard to Choose Just Two:

See below for two examples of how Student Loan Service can process your Department of Education paperwork and help lower your monthly student loan payment.

Maria B from Rhode Island is a nurse who makes $49,000 a year and has 38,000 in federal student loans. She is married and has one child.

Maria Under the standard repayment plan, this borrower’s monthly repayment amount is $423. The currently available Income-Based repayment plan would reduce her to $103. The improved “Pay As You Earn” plan will reduce her payment to $73. Maria, being a nurse, may qualify her for Public Service Loan Forgiveness which may have her loans forgiven after 120 qualifying loan payments.

Laura J is a married school teacher from New Jersey who earns $25,000 a year and has 55,000 in federal student loans.

Laura Under the standard repayment plan, this borrower’s monthly repayment amount is $497. The currently available Income-Based repayment plan would reduce her payment to $25 per month. The improved “Pay As You Earn” plan will reduce her payment to zero dollars. Laura, working at a public school, may qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness which may have her loans forgiven after 120 qualifying loan payments.

These are just two examples…we have more profiles of borrowers in all professions from trade workers to doctors and attorneys. Call us now to see how we can help you or just fill out the quick form by clicking the big button below!