If you are a school student or you have recently joined your college and you want to learn web development from scratch, then you have to start with HTML basics. HTML is used to code webpages. In this course you will learn HTML, along with multiple tricky coding exercise where you will code simple webpages yourself.
This Course is FREE forever 🥳
The entire course is divided into Levels, with each level having multiple Lessons. Each lesson has a coding exercise.
What is HTML Form?
Start with a Label
Creating an Input field
Label <code>for</code>?
Placeholder to help users
Big input area - Textarea
Radio Buttons
Checkboxes for multiple choices
Time for Dropdowns - <select>
Creating Button in Form - <button>;
Form field to Upload Files
The Submit button
Woohoo! Celebrations.
Please complete the Course first and then work on Projects.
A very basic project to help you understand how to use form fields to create small apps.
A very basic project to help you understand how to use form fields to create small apps.
Here are some free resources for HTML.
Once you have completed the HTML course, you can generate your certificate of completion.
Frequently asked questions related to HTML. Here we have answers to some of the commonly asked questions.