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Payne County Judge Stephen Kistler

Judge Stephen Kistler is retiring at the end of this year as the Associate District Judge of Payne County. Kistler was appointed to the position in November 2008 by Gov. Brad Henry.

1. Describe the history of your legal education and legal career, including your service as a Judge in Payne County?

Yes, I have chosen not to seek another term as Associate District Judge for Payne County. I plan to finish my current term and retire on Dec. 31, 2022. At that point I will have served 14 years as Associate District Judge. I graduated from OU law school in 1976. Upon graduating I spent 3 years in the F.B.I. as a Special Agent. I started my legal career in 1979 as an Assistant District Attorney for Payne County in the office of DA Jim Langley. Two year later I went into the private practice of law in Stillwater. In 2004, I left private practice and took a position as Assistant District Attorney for Noble County in the office of DA Mark Gibson.

2. What are the most rewarding experiences you have had as a Judge?

The overall experience of serving as Associate District Judge for this community has been an experience so rewarding yet difficult to describe. I never imagined my legal career would be capped by the opportunity I have had these past 13 years to serve as a trial level judge.

3. What challenges have you had in serving as a Judge in Payne County?

The demands and the challenges of the position are significant and at times heavy, but almost always, especially looking through the rear-view mirror, worthwhile. I love this job and consider myself fortunate to have had this opportunity.

4. Do you have any advice for the person that will replace you as the Associate District Judge of Payne County?

I am not so presumptuous to think that my successor would desire any advice from me at this time about the position. I will make myself available to the next Associate District Judge for Payne County to answer all questions my successor might have and cooperate with that person in a reasonable manner relating to the position.

5. What do you have planned for your retirement?

Those comments may beg the question of why am I stepping down? It is time. Fourteen years at my age as of December 2022 will be enough. Hopefully then I will have time, good health and energy to enjoy my “golden years.” My wife, Lisa and I plan to travel, enjoy not getting up each morning to an alarm clock, and being care free. We will just take my retirement one day at a time. Probably spend a great deal of time in Denver and the surrounding Rocky Mountains. I have two adult daughters living in Denver.

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