An authority won't be 'trading communities like Pokémon cards', a councillor has said as leaders kicked off devolution debates.
Relegation-threatened AFC Sudbury have parted ways with Marc Abbott by ‘mutual agreement’ following a run of one win in their last 16 league matches.
A Crimewatch appeal about the discovery of human bones in a town river has prompted a ‘number of calls’ to police.
Staff at a hotel, which suddenly shut its doors last month, have launched an online fundraising appeal, to help recoup over £23,000 in unpaid wages.
Councils are set to formally make their initial devolution proposals — but what would multiple authorities look like in Suffolk?
A formal planning application for the transformation of a defunct silk factory into a care home has been submitted.
Police have appeared on BBC Crimewatch in a renewed appeal over the discovery of human remains in a town river nearly five years ago.
A council looking to take control of Suffolk's libraries shared disappointment over a charity's refusal to publicly reveal information about costs.