Sun101 - Your Source for Solid Facts on Solar Energy
“…wherever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government.”
Thomas Jefferson
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Poll: Michigan, and the World, want to switch to Solar and Renewable energy
Poll from Michigan State University - 90 percent support for solar energy among Michiganders, only 3 percent strongly oppose.
Do Solar Farms affect Real Estate Values? Expert Research across 40 States says “NO”.
Erin Bowen is an appraisal expert with Cohn Reznick, a top ten accounting firm. Erin and her team of professionals have looked at property sales near and adjacent to 40 solar farms in 18 states.
Their finding?
Solar farms have no consistent or negative effect on property values.
Video: Solar Energy is Attracting Business and Creating Jobs Across America
Wall Street Journal: Global Investment in Wind and Solar Outshining Fossil Fuels
"Renewable costs have fallen so far in the past few years that
“wind and solar now represent the lowest-cost option for generating electricity,”
said Francis O’Sullivan, research director of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Energy Initiative." - Wall Street Journal
Videos: Fossil Fueled Solar Misinformers are Targeting Farmers and Midwest Communities
Michigan State University calls out coal lobbyist for “False Narrative” on solar.
Saving Soil with Solar - Experts Explain
Video: Iowa TV Station Exposes Solar Misinformers!
Solar Misinformation from “think tanks” with agendas. Iowa News station reports.
Renewable Energy is Critical for National Security -
General Richard Zilmer (ret) tells why.
Below, General Richard Zilmer shows how the US Military is using Renewable Energy to make the military stronger and more resilient
Mark Dyson of Rocky Mountain Institute: Experts have Always underestimated how Fast Renewable Costs are Dropping
Across America, major utilities are pivoting hard to Renewable energy.
In Boardrooms around the world, smart money is choosing renewable energy. Executives and Economists speak up.
Interview: A working class American Story - First Solar, based in Ohio, is one of the world’s foremost solar panel manufacturers.
Texas Expert: Solar plus Storage now beating Natural gas to supply peaking power
Interview: Dan Kamman PhD on “jobs that can’t be outsourced”.
Energy Storage growing around the world - experts weigh in
Are Solar Farms Toxic? Experts Resoundingly say NO!
University of Michigan: Solar Panels do not contain PFAS - Click here for one pager to print out!
Solar Farms do NOT use PFAS “Forever Chemicals”! Michigan State expert explains.
Do Solar panels impact groundwater?
Spoiler: No.
According to the Department of Energy, there has been no incidence of solar panels impacting groundwater.
Read More:
University of Michigan - No PFAS in Solar Panels
What Happens When the Sun goes Down? Michigan has World Leading energy Storage.
New Energy Storage from Simple, Proven technology
Did Renewables Cause Texas Blackouts? Texas Experts and Texas Local News Reports show NO!
Read More:
NPR - No, Renewables Did Not Cause the Texas Blackouts
Renewables are now the Cheapest Source of New Electricity!
Consumers Energy resource planner on costs of gas vs costs of solar, wind and efficiency.
Scientists discuss safety of solar panels
Most recent data shows that solar energy, and wind energy, are hands down the cheapest sources of new electric generation
Do Solar Panels create a lot of Waste? Compared to What?
Renewable energy subsidies “laughable” compared to fossil fuel subsidies.
Rice University Business School Expert: Clean Energy Means Less Mining
How does Solar compare to Corn Ethanol for Energy Production?
How Clean energy helps small towns and rural areas.