Sun Dental Labs now offers a state-of-the-art solution to aligners manufacturing. Once the necessary records are uploaded, an aligners plan is generated by our team. Then, the SunClear 3D orthodontic software is used to review, modify and accept the plan.

Please send email to [email protected]


Upload Records  

Review Design 

Receive Aligners 



The SunClear Advantage

More and more patients are asking for aligners but due to costly Aligners Lab fees, many are forced to decline treatment or go online for (do it yourself Aligners).
Thanks to SunClear 3D aligners design software and manufacturing solution, digital orthodontics has now become more affordable.

  • Save up to 50% on aligner lab fees
  • High-quality aligners design ready for approval

How does the process work?

• The process is the same as with traditional vendors
• Create an account using a google chrome browser go to: sign up
• Upload records, digital models, panoramic x-rays and photos
• Enter treatment objectives
• Approve treatment plan

What type of trimline with SunClear Aligners?

Straight-line trim is found to be best for fit and retention of aligners.





SunClear Statement



Create SunClear Account:

Click Here



Case Simulations:

20 Aligners and under –

30 Aligners and under –

40 Aligners or more –