Exit this survey Official LMID - Website User Survey 1. 100% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. Your opinion counts! Please take a moment to rate the Content, Navigation, and Design of the Labor Market Information Division (LMID) Website. Exceptional Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Below Expectations Poor / Unacceptable Navigation Navigation Exceptional Navigation Exceeds Expectations Navigation Meets Expectations Navigation Below Expectations Navigation Poor / Unacceptable Design Design Exceptional Design Exceeds Expectations Design Meets Expectations Design Below Expectations Design Poor / Unacceptable Content Content Exceptional Content Exceeds Expectations Content Meets Expectations Content Below Expectations Content Poor / Unacceptable Question Title * 2. Please tell us a little about yourself by selecting the category that applies to you. Business Owner Economic Developer Educator/Trainer Elected Official Employer Federal/State/Local Gov't HR Specialist Job Seeker Labor Market Analyst One-Stop Center Partner Policy Maker Researcher Student Workforce Investment Board Workforce Program Planner Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Please select the category that best describes your organization. Business/Corporation Career Counseling Economic Development Education: Adult Education Education: College/University Education: Community College Education: K-12 Education: Post Secondary Vocational Government: EDD Government: Federal Government: Local / State Government: Other Library News Media One Stop Career Center Private Individual Rehabilitation Center Research / Consulting Firm Workforce Investment Board Workforce Prep, Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How often do you use the LMID Website? Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually First Time User Question Title * 5. What data or information were you seeking? (Check all that apply) Demographics Employment statistics GIS Maps Green/ Renewable energy info Historical labor market data Income Industry projections LMI publications Local area data Occupational guides/profiles Occupational projections One-Stop locations Training providers Transferrable skills research UI rate and labor force data Veterans’ information Wages Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What was the primary purpose of the information gathered from the LMID Website? (Check all that apply) Business Location Business Planning Career Counseling Compensation Research Curriculum Development Economic Development Employee Recruiting Find a Job Industry Trends Job Placement Report Preparation Skills Research State/Local Policy Making Training Information/Providers Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How helpful was the LMID Website in helping you make informed career, business, curriculum, or other decisions? Very Helpful Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Not Helpful At All Don't Know Question Title * 8. How easy or difficult was it to find specific information on the LMID Website? Very Easy Easy Somewhat Easy Difficult Very Difficult Question Title * 9. How would you prefer to have the content on the Website organized? By Customer Type (Jobseeker, Economic Developer, etc.) By Subject Area (Career Info, The Economy, etc.) Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. Which of the following do you use to connect to the Internet? Cable Dial-up DSL ISDN Satellite Smartphone T-1 Line Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. What types of Web 2.0 / Interactive features have you used online in the last 90 days? (Check all that apply) Audio/video podcasting Blogs (Read or write on a blog) Calendaring (Google online calendar) Collaborative authoring (Wikis) Communications Tools (Skype, GoToMeeting, Webex) Image sharing (Flickr) Smartphone Application (Iphone, Android, Blackberry, other) Social media sharing (Facebook, Twitter, other) Video sharing/watch (Youtube, etc) Web Services (RSS feeds) Question Title * 12. Comments (Please do not include any sensitive information such as your Social Security Number and/or Drivers License Number in your comments) Done