
Susan Mulvihill
Susan Mulvihill

Hello and welcome to my website! I’m Susan Mulvihill and I’m passionate about gardening.

My husband and I live Spokane, Washington. We garden on 5 acres and our hardiness zone is about 5b to 6a. I wrote the garden columns for the Sunday edition of The Spokesman-Review newspaper for almost 20 years.

My books

The Vegetable Garden Problem Solver Handbook (*) is my newest book. Cool Springs Press published it in February 2023. I’m thrilled to announce that it is the recipient of the American Horticultural Society’s 2024 Book Award!

The Vegetable Garden Pest Handbook (*) was published in 2021. It is a best seller on Amazon and consistently receives 5-star ratings. I am also the co-author of Northwest Gardener’s Handbook (*), which is a regional gardening guide.

My background

I’ve been a Spokane County (Wash.) Master Gardener since 2002. I am a longtime member of Garden Communicators International and a member of the National Garden Bureau.

I believe everyone should be able to grow a garden. To demonstrate that, I’ve dedicated this website, videos and social media posts to teach others how to do just that!

Not surprisingly, my main interest is in growing vegetables and fruits organically. We all want to eat healthy, delicious food, right? In addition, I enjoy watching the birds that visit our garden, and pursuing botanical and wildlife photography. I’m also a classical pianist and enjoy quilting in my non-gardening time.

As a garden educator, I’ve created over 600 how-to-garden videos for my YouTube channel. There’s an index to them in the Videos section of this website.

The PBS program, Growing a Greener World, featured our garden in June 2017 (episode #809). It aired again in 2021 (episode #1202).

Are there are any topics in particular that you are interested in learning about? Please email me at [email protected].

* Note: I have an Amazon affiliate account. When you use the link to order either of the books, I will receive a small commission. This does not affect the price you pay in any way.


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