An exciting new volunteer programme has just been launched on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway, in North and West Belfast.
Sustrans hope the volunteers will be able to encourage cycling and walking in North and West Belfast
Sustrans and Intercomm will recruit and train a team of volunteers in a range of walking and cycling activities alongside mediation skills.
The newly trained volunteer walk and cycle leaders will be supported to then empower and lead people to enjoy the Forth Meadow Community Greenway and promote the shared space.
Greenway at the heart of the project
The Forth Meadow Community Greenway is a new £5.1 million EU PEACE IV-funded project to connect existing open spaces in north and west Belfast along a 12km route leading to the new Transport Hub in the city centre.
The Greenway will be at the heart of this project and we need volunteers to bring it to life and encourage local people to get out walking and cycling.
If you’re interested in your area and appreciate the green space then volunteering for this project may be just up your street – literally!
Free training available
Rachael Ludlow-Williams, Sustrans Volunteer Coordinator said:
“This is an exciting project ensuring local people can get involved and be at the heart of the greenway.
"Volunteers are pivotal to the new Greenway and we hope that the free training we offer will enable the wider community to walk and cycle along this shared space for many years to come.
"We encourage anybody that enjoys getting out on a bike or walking get involved, no experience is necessary, just a commitment to help others.
"We will provide free training in cycle or walk leader, mediation, bike maintenance, first aid and lots more.”
There are 12 Volunteer Walk Leader and 12 Volunteer Cycle Leader roles available
This project is part of Belfast’s PEACE IV Action Plan which is financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).
Match-funding for the Action Plan has been provided by The Executive Office and the Department of Rural and Community Development.
A new shared space
Councillor John Kyle, Chair of Belfast City Council’s Shared City Partnership, said:
“I very much welcome this new volunteer programme encouraging people to enjoy the Forth Meadow Community Greenway- a new shared space in the north and west of the city.
"This supports the city’s community plan, the Belfast Agenda, which includes aspirations to regenerate neighbourhoods, improve community relations and create a safe and welcoming city for everyone.”
If this sounds up your street, then come along to one of our online information sessions on Tuesday 9th or Monday 15th March or email [email protected].