Sierra Leone: University of Sierra Leone sets to go digital.

The University of Sierra Leone which consists of Fourah Bay College, IPAM and College of Medicine is set to introduce an online digital platform to run the affairs of its administration.

The platform is called the DOT-EDU project, and it is an electronic digital system designed to provide management of administration in the University of Sierra Leone .
It is delivered via a Web-browser and mobile app to administrative staff, academic faculty, lecturers, students and parents.
A third year student of the peace and conflict department Ibrahim Koroma intimated switsalone that students will appreciate this new innovation, as it will help in making registration process simple and fast.

FBC Campus
Umu Jalloh lecturer from the social works department expressed delight over the inception of such system at the University.
“This system will help improve the University of Sierra Leone to international standards, I feel very happy for such an improvement,” she said.

CEO, Mahmud Idriss
Speaking to the CEO of Niche Technologies Mahmud Idriss said, his company is a locally based company that is here to digitalise the University of Sierra Leone, and other educational institutions nation wide.
“We are here to play a role in improving the educational sector, by modernising and digitalizing the process of education in Sierra Leone.

FBC hostel(Photo Credit : Eric Kawa)
USL is the first institution that was identified to benefit from our services, and we are looking forward to working with other universities,colleges and schools in the country. This will help improve the standards of education at this age of digital revolution. “It is believed that the system will manage USL’s student admission, student information, course and class management, student attendance, timetable management, exams management and many other services. The CEO revealed that the system is also available to junior and senior secondary schools, that may want to make use of the system.
This system is currently on test, and is set to be fully operational by the end of May of this year.
Here is a link of the web portal
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