Art & Design
In years 7, 8 and 9 Art and Design, students will have the opportunity to learn new processes and develop prior understanding of artistic techniques. Students will get to work with a range of materials and have the chance to explore new mediums through different themes and cultures. Art and Design is a subject where students are encouraged to express themselves creatively, where individuals can learn to take risks and communicate visually.
Fine Art
Fine Art may be defined as work developed primarily to communicate aesthetic, intellectual or purely conceptual ideas and meaning, rather than to serve a practical or commercial function. The Art Department is well resourced with a wide range of equipment and materials to support the creative process. Students at Sir William Ramsay have the opportunity to take Art and Design at KS3. They can then choose to specialise in the subject as Fine Art at GCSE and A-Level.
Textile Design is a versatile practice that involves the creation, selection, manipulation and application of a range of materials such as fibres, yarns and fabrics, and processes such as weaving, knitting, stitching and printing to create designs and products. The Art Department is well resourced with a wide range of equipment and materials to support the creative process. Students at Sir William Ramsay have the opportunity to take Textiles at KS3 as part of Technology Design. They can then choose to specialise in the subject at GCSE and A-Level.
Curriculum Intent