Sir William Ramsay School

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Learning Resources Centre

Our fantastic Learning Resources Centre (LRC) offers our students a modern, spacious and inviting environment in which to learn.

It is open from 8.30am until 4pm Monday - Thursday and 8.30am - 3pm on Fridays, so that homework can be done after school using books for research or the computers. The LRC is also open to all students for reading and independent study during break and lunch times. Students can also print their work.

All Year 7, 8 and 9 students use Accelerated Reader and can come to the LRC to do quizzes on books they have read.

Two books can be borrowed for up to two weeks at a time. We would like to ask for your help in ensuring books are returned on time.

We regularly buy new books for the Resources Centre and update our stock of best-selling fiction titles for children and young adults.

Summer Reading Challenge