1. Please submit the form below.
2. We'll reply by email with an itemized price quote within one business day, but normally it's minutes!
3. Forward the price quote to your purchase order office.
4. Then, email or fax us a hard copy of the purchase order. Please be sure to reference the price quote number on your document.
5. Once we have the hard copy of the purchase order, we'll ship immediately!
If you do not need a price quote because you have an approved purchase order already, there is no need to submit the request form. Just send the hard copy of your purchase order to [email protected].
If you plan to make a website purchase instead of a school Purchase Order, that's great! You will NOT be charged sales tax on our website UNLESS the shipping address is in Florida.
- If you are in FL, just contact us to get the PO moving forward accurately or submit the PO request with your tax exempt certificate.
- Remember, if you are shipping to any other state (exclude: AK, HI...contact us!), you can place the order on the website and pay with a credit card, and it will not charge sales tax. You may see sales tax on a checkout cart summary screen, but when you proceed through checkout there will be no tax.