If Rogue Regimes Can do it, Terrorists can Too

While rogue regimes such as Syria and North Korea have used chemical and biological weapons as a deterrent against anti-government movements from within and amassed stockpiles of CBRNs to threaten neighboring states, terrorists have also sought ways of attaining weapons of mass destruction. ISIS’s efforts to acquire CBRNs are only the latest example of militants attempting to pave the way for a substantial attack on the West.

CBRNs Become Available on Black Market

Following the fall of the Soviet Union and disarmament agreements with America, Russian chemical and biological weapons became available on the black market as the Soviet political elite ceased to exist and a vacuum ripe with oligarchs trying to make a quick fortune became the norm in the early to mid-90’s. Russia supplied countries like Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela and a conglomerate of African nations with whatever they asked for—including CBRNs.

Preventing or Limiting Damage from Possible Attack

After attacks in Madrid, London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Canada, the US, and other targets, the West is beginning to come to grips with the fact that terrorists won’t shy from using any means at their disposal to wage war against the Western, sowing fear and enmity by murdering random civilians.

The biggest factor in preventing a CBRN attack in Western Europe or America is maintaining the highest levels of intelligence gathering and extraordinary diligence on the part of security apparatuses. Potential terrorists including “lone wolf” actors need to be identified, monitored, and eliminated in the advanced stages of preparation for the attack.

Military Equipment Firm Provides Solution to CBRN Threats

In case of a CBRN attack materializing, TAR Ideal is the perfect example of an inclusive solution that combines both intelligence gathering and protective equipment. As one of the industry leaders in providing one-stop solutions for intelligence and crime prevention units worldwide, it is able to combine expertise in a variety of military fields to provide the maximum preventive capabilities for your local or national security service.

TAR provides a wide range of technological solutions ranging from professional training for HLS units to the latest equipment including tactical vehicles equipped with mobile sensors for detecting and analyzing hazardous substances on-site. Amongst some of the other solutions offered by TAR are: CBRN-detecting robots, protective gear including portable radiation and explosive detectors, and decontamination equipment such as portable purification engines, water purification systems and mobile decontamination units.


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