Roast Breadfruit & Smoked Fish

>> Friday, 19 April 2019

Roast Breadfruit photo rst bfruit3_zpsaqn761e3.png

This dish is part of the group of Caribbean dishes that make up our collection of Soul Food. Here, I have used smoked fish from Guyana but you can replace it with any type of salted fish.

Roast Breadfruit & Salt fish photo bfruit sfish3_zps7hgcr7sa.png

There's no recipe really - to roast the Breadfruit, make a couple of incisions and remove the stem of the breadfruit, score the bottom and set it to roast stem-side down for 10 minutes and then turn it on its sides for 6 minutes each then place it score-side down and roast for 8 minutes. Remove and let cool to handle and remove bark.

For the "Fried" Smoked Fish - soak in tap water for 16 - 18 hours, changing the water 2 to 3 times, drain well and flake fish. Pat dry and sauté with onions, garlic and hot peppers, finish with sliced scallions.


Coconut Shrimp Curry

>> Friday, 12 April 2019

Coconut Shrimp Curry photo cnut shrimp2_zpsi4d4smyh.png

This Coconut Shrimp Curry is like none you have ever had, unless you have made a similar curry before. The masala for the curry is made with fresh grated coconut along with ginger, garlic, sweet onions, hot pepper and a few other ingredients. The tang of tamarind will have you going back for more. Give this recipe a try and you will find yourself making it often. Fish can work for this curry too. Click here for the recipe.


Goat Cheese & Tomato Flatbread

>> Friday, 5 April 2019

Cut Cheese & Tomato Flatbread photo cut fbread5_zpshpvjj46b.png

This flatbread is perfect for 2 people. Or,  1 person, if it is all you will be eating for your meal. I just love this combination - crisp bread, creamy tart goat cheese, sweet tomatoes, herby fragrant basil with the crush flaked sea salt. It's really very good. Click here for the recipe.

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