Confidently fuel your go-to-market efforts

Good news: Forrester found that 85% of companies leveraging B2B intent data achieved business benefits. Not-so-good: they also identified two key challenges – 60% of respondents struggled to identify members of the buying team and 50% saw too many false positives for accounts showing intent.

TechTarget intent is dramatically different. We deliver the most relevant and precise account- and contact-level intent data available, so you can drive the positive purchase outcomes you’re after. With TechTarget intent data, you can more confidently identify in-market accounts, target active buying groups, and deliver the personalized marketing and sales experiences that make all the difference.

Contextually relevant.
Directly observed.

TechTarget’s content model makes our intent data dramatically more precise than other sources. Over decades, we’ve built the largest editorial bureau in B2B tech with 170+ in-house editors and thousands of industry experts crafting original content across 200 technology market segments. This authoritative content draws in-market buyers to our 150+ trusted technology-specific sites while they’re in their pre-purchase research mode. Using this proven model, we’ve built an engaged opt-in audience of 32M+ business and technology professionals across the globe who generate 1.4M+ directly observed intent signals each day as they interact with our trusted content.

In-market accounts. Active buyers.

More accurate and relevant intent data sets your teams up for better go-to-market outcomes because they can focus their energies where they’ll have the most impact. With our Account-Level Intent Data, you’re able to optimize your resources and reduce false positives in your funnels. Better than anyone else can, we identify more high-value accounts that are actively looking to buy. And using our unique-in-the-industry Prospect-Level IntentTM Data, your sellers will be able to instantly take more productive actions by pinpointing individual buying team members and targeting them with content and outreach that satisfies their specific needs.

In your systems (and ours)

While you can only get TechTarget intent data from us, we give you the flexibility to access it directly in our Priority EngineTM platform or to integrate it into your own go-to-market systems for activation. You can fuel workflows in your CRM and ABM systems with in-market accounts and scale productivity by automatically integrating our active buyers into Marketing Automation nurture streams, multi-channel media orchestration systems, and CRM-connected systems-of-action.

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