A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Biology.
M. Alejandra Perotti
You might be surprised by what you'd find in your pores
Elizabeth Cox
Which species would you get rid of? | Ada, Ep. 5
Adam Zeman
Can you "see" images in your mind? Some people can't
Should we get rid of pregnancy? | Ada, Ep. 3
Would you sell your kidney for $100,000? | Ada, Ep. 2
Ashley Ward
Why animals help each other
Katherine Saunders
Why your body fights weight loss
Anna Rothschild
What staying up all night does to your brain
Katsuhiko Hayashi
A mouse with two dads — and a new frontier for biology
Paul CJ Taylor
What are those colors you see when you rub your eyes?
Erika Moore
Why do some bodies respond differently to disease?
Charles Wallace
Are there any places on Earth with no bugs?
Why did it take so long to find giant squids?
Nicky Trevorrow
How to make your cat happier — in 3 minutes
What’s the best way to treat the common cold?
Jessica Whited
How do animals regrow their limbs? And why can't humans do it?