Weekly Horoscope: September 15 - September 21

See what the stars have in store for you.
Gemini illustration two women looking at eachother
Jennifer Dahbura

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The last lunar eclipse of 2024 is coming during this weekly horoscope on September 17! Since the eclipse is occurring in tender Pisces, the cosmos are requiring us to use our intuition and spirituality to align with what we value most. We may decide that everything that was once important to us has lost its luster; therefore, it's time for us to commit to a new vision. Doing so will be challenging because it will require us to get out of our comfort zones, but once we do, we will see that the world is full of possibility.

Jennifer Dahbura


August 23 - September 22

Your dating life is starting to feel like Groundhog Day as you court the same type of person over and over again. Knowing they’re incapable and unwilling to give you what you want means that you gotta switch up your type. For instance, stop going after skaters that live by the seat of their pants and rarely check their texts. Look for a crush who is emotionally available and willing to prioritize the ‘ship. It’s not that you desire love poems everyday, but it would be nice to get a “good morning” text. You deserve to be treated like the amazing person you are 24/7.

Jennifer Dahbura


September 23 - October 22

The week ahead urges you to heal many of the frustrations and issues you've had with people lately. It may be time to augment the wrongs and make situations right. Even though you may not feel like you've done anything to hurt others, it's essential to own your part in this situation to regain the relationships and trust that you've been missing. The caveat is that you might accidentally slip and express a sentiment without much thought behind it that makes matters worse. Send a well thought out and edited email or text to ensure you're on the correct path.

Person with a long braid looking intense.Jennifer Dahbura


October 23 - November 21

Now that last week is over, you are reevaluating all the fits in your closet and trying to assess the ones you want to style yourself with this season. Before you get rid of your clothes and shoes, think about how you can repurpose them or pay it forward. You may decide to invest in a humanitarian project. Donate these items to Goodwill or sell them at the yard sale. Use the profits for the charitable endeavors that you emotionally align with. That way, you can give back to others while you rev up your closet and spread the love.

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Jennifer Dahbura


November 22 - December 21

Decorating your dorm room with your roomie is proving to be highly challenging. It's not that you're taking all of the beautiful furniture and items you have for granted, but you're looking to connect with the ambiance in a grand way. Since your personal power color is purple, you might decide to insert different shades and variances of this hue into your room. It will bring you luck in your studies, love life, and friendships. Also, add keepsakes from your travels on the walls to remind you that life is an adventure and that there is so much to explore.

Jennifer Dahbura


December 22 - January 19

Your emotions are currently doing more black flips than Benson Boone on stage at his concerts. Therefore, you should center yourself before overthinking and replaying the interactions you’ve recently had with others (particularly your new crush). Words of advice: Take a deep breath by inhaling positivity and exhaling out the negative thoughts that are running through your mind. Try not to stress about what you said or didn't say. Odds are they did not notice any of the things you're worrying about and are vibing with your energy. They are feeling the butterflies too. You got this, Cap!

Jennifer Dahbura


January 20 - February 18

One step forward is followed by another backward, leaving you in the same spot you were before. In order to get moving in the right direction this week, it’s important to be clear with your objections and to not let people or situations get in your way. Rather than getting caught up in drama that doesn't affect you directly, set a clear boundary to devote your full attention to the matter at hand — getting out of a rut. When You take back your energy, you'll see how easy it is to get things done and to make progress.

Jennifer Dahbura


February 19 - March 20

No good deed goes unpunished. You’re trying to be a compassionate peacemaker, but it isn't working the way you thought. Now, people are turning on you and making it seem like you're the problem — when you are the one trying to help remedy situations. Yes, it’s hurtful to have fingers pointed at you when you're stirring the pot for a good cause. The only way to deal with this issue is to step aside and disengage. Soon after, your crew will realize your true intentions and apologize. There is too much noise around them to understand your real intentions.

Jennifer Dahbura


March 21 - April 19

There comes a moment in every season when everyone feels as though their star is fading. Although you might have the same sentiment, it doesn't mean it’s true. Your fortune and fame are on the rise, but you want to have a chill week. Spending a few days with close friends and family after school is comforting and you're in the mood to be taken care of. People will miss your presence if you give them a chance, so know that while you have a low-key week, it won’t change your popularity or results in the campaign for student council.

Jennifer Dahbura


April 20 - May 20

When you commit to an idea, you totally believe in it. Having a strong sense of self is great, but you have to be flexible in your thoughts in order to hear the truth of situations. Thinking that you’re always right could lead to disputes with your besties — especially since you may not be 100% in the actual know. Before you bark up the wrong tree, ask questions without being accusatory and listen to the responses or explanations you receive. Although it is hard for a stubborn Bull like you to acknowledge another perspective, you should at least try.

Jennifer Dahbura


May 21 - June 20

Matters of the heart are extra complex this week. An old flame is flexing, trying to get your attention, even though they’re aware that you are caught up in another situationship. At the same time, your ex is flirting with a pal of yours, creating a love square. All the while, you’re debating how you feel about everyone. Talk to your BFF. Although it’s against friend code for them to flirt with your former boo, get to the bottom of it before stonewalling them. Be honest with bae and let your ex go — let the past be done with.

Jennifer Dahbura


June 21 - July 22

You can't relate to desperation, which is why you aren’t settling for anything short of amazing. Some may say that your standards are too high, but they’re at the appropriate level. There is nothing wrong with having high self-esteem and acknowledging red flags immediately. You know that most of the world needs to take a page from your book on the subject. However, you should not let your boldness translate to rudeness. Be kind and empathetic to others to show them that we all can be the best versions of ourselves. Look at you being the role model of the school.

Jennifer Dahbura


July 23 - August 22

We all make mistakes, so don’t feel like you’re the first person to have an error in judgment and to act upon it. The takeaway is to be aware that you won’t make the same blunder again. TBH, you didn’t commit the crime of the century (or even the week), you just spilled tea to the wrong person and your conscience is catching up with you. The best option to remedy matters is to take control by admitting what you did to the friend you betrayed and apologize before it comes back to them. Work it out before it escalates.

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