Aim Small. Miss Small.
Targeting. Precision. Accuracy.
Targeting a specific niche will keep you laser-focused.
In the movie The Patriot, Mel Gibson’s character taught his boys to “aim small, miss small.” In other words, don’t aim without a specific target.
With more than 100 years’ combined experience in sales and marketing, we’ve discovered one major flaw that most companies make in their early stages: They aim too “big” and miss the mark resulting in missed opportunities and excessive spend. We have a solution: A very focused aim.
Shoot us a message and we’ll provide our 10-point marketing analysis for free. We can then visit about how we can deliver solutions that will hit the target.
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Contact Us
Teleos Marketing: We Get Business™
1000 Forest Park Blvd, Suite 400
Fort Worth, TX 76110