2022 FFF Dance: Moving to the Beat on TikTok!
Diversity & Inclusion

2022 FFF Dance: Moving to the Beat on TikTok!

Luciana Cemerka - 10.28.2022

Every year, FFF strives to raise the bar for its participants by bringing in more fun, more prizes, and more excitement. This year, FFF – Teleperformance’s annual talent competition – blazed off to a great start by launching in the metaverse. For its Music category, Grammy Award winner Norah Jones became a special musical guest. We’ve invited trendsetter LeDania to take part of the fun, sharing her talent to the world in the Art category. Our winners for the Music category and Art category truly amazed us with their talent.

After the recent success of the 2022 For Fun Festival’s (FFF) Music and Art categories, we are moving to the beat and have put on our dancing shoes! Ladies and gents, the FFF’s Dance category is now happening exclusively on TikTok and on Instagram Reels!

For the Dance category, the fun never stops. To inspire everyone, FFF is excited to have the Masaka Kids join us on our quest to crown the next FFF Dance winner! This year, we’ve also invited FitDance to as a special guest in this year’s Dance category.

The Masaka Kids Africana is composed of African children, from the age of 2 and up. Finding inspiration and passion through their talents, the Masaka Kids express themselves through dance and song. They share their love of Uganda and connect to the world with their super dance moves.

We’re also taking fun to the next level as the World Cup takes place on November! To get everyone excited before the World Cup, FFF is giving everyone more chances to win special prizes through dance-related mini challenges, starting today. Now that’s one way to celebrate the beautiful game! For these set of mini challenges, we will give away one Marshall speakers, one pair of custom Nike sneakers, and one pair of Airpods.

For the main FFF Dance event, it’s easy to share your talent and dancing moves to the world! Here’s how:

  1. Follow and tag TP on TikTok or Instagram.
  2. Create your own dance moves or recreate any choreography.
  3. Use the hashtags #ForFunFestival2022 #FFFWorldCup

A quick note: solo, duo, and groups are allowed. However, only one prize is allowed per video, so even if your video features a duo or group, only one prize will be allotted.

More importantly… remember to submit your entries from October 18 to December 1! The main winner of the Dance competition will receive an Apple gift card worth 1,000 USD, a TV, and a kit celebration for the World Cup.

We can’t wait to see you dance to the beat and show off your moves! Go ahead and check out the Teleperformance TikTok page and find us on Instagram for more FFF updates. Don’t be shy, and just move it! Join FFF’s now!

here for complete contest rules.




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