How To Make/Create a Manual in Google Docs [Templates + Examples] 2023
Manuals are essential instructional and reference guides. They help direct and inform an individual’s actions and also explain how to...
July 10, 2023
How To Make/Create a Manual in Microsoft Word [Templates + Examples] 2023
Creating a manual can be a time-consuming and tedious task. However, manuals and other reference guides are necessary for organizations...
November 19, 2024
How To Create a Legal Document in Google Docs [Template + Example]
When creating a legal document, there are a lot of things a person has to consider, and one of which is the...
July 12, 2023
How To Make/Create a Contract in Microsoft Word [Template + Example] 2023
Contracts can come in different forms and for different reasons but the most common thing is that when a company does business with...
July 12, 2023
How To Create a Contract in Google Docs [Template + Example]
Contracts are an important part of any company or business, especially those that work with different companies or businesses. Companies...
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How To Make/Create a Report in Google Docs [Templates + Examples] 2023
A report is a comprehensive document that covers a wide array of topics from finance, research, incidents, feasibility studies, and...
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How To Make/Create a Report in Microsoft Word [Templates + Examples] 2023
A report is a document that contains information, data, analysis, finding, and other relevant information based on a specific topic....
July 6, 2023
How to Make/Create a Notebook in Google Docs [Templates + Examples] 2023
Notebooks always come in handy in writing important information or expressing our thoughts through written words. When we need a...
July 4, 2023
How to Make/Create a Notebook in Microsoft Word [Templates + Examples] 2023
Notebooks have always been very useful for recording information, writing down our opinions, setting reminders, setting goals, and writing down...
July 4, 2023
How To Make/Create a Handbook in Microsoft Word [Template + Example] 2023
A handbook is a guide or a manual that provides the right information and guidelines that companies, businesses, and organizations...
July 12, 2023
AA document is a representation of an idea or thought that is either in written or digital form. This is most prominent in offices, business transactions, schools, and for personal use. It is designed to record information that is beneficial to the author or its reader.

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Documents Definition & Meaning
A document is defined as a piece of paper or set of papers that are written, printed, or in digital format that is used to record data for personal or business purposes.
It is a source of reference, proof, an official record, or is used to impose authority.
What Is a Document?
Documents provide evidence or factual support for statements and transactions between individuals or organizations. They have a wide variety of features and are distinguished by their levels of classification as documents could either be shared with the public, are private, or marked as highly classified.
Types of Documents
Proposal is a formulated plan or suggestion which is used to persuade its reader to implement or approve a proposed project.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes have recorded notes of the discussion during a meeting.
Agreement is a written document that records the terms and conditions and expectations laid out by both parties.
Contract is a type of agreement that binds parties creating mutual obligations enforceable by law.
Quotation is a document that a seller provides to a buyer that contains the stated price and conditions regarding a certain product or service.
Job Description
Job Description defines an employee’s duties and responsibilities in the company.
Letters and Cover Letter
Letters and Cover letter are written form of communication which conveys a message from one person to another.
Memo is a written message which is usually short, direct to the point, and is designed to be easy and quickly understood.
Invoice is used to collect and record a list of transactions between a buyer and a seller.
Receipt is proof of purchase that records the transaction and the payment made by the buyer to the seller.
Statement is a document that outlines financial transactions for a customer or is a record of a company’s finances.
Purchase Order
Purchase Order is an official document sent by a buyer to a seller when placing an order.
Checklist is a list that helps complete a certain task or assignment.
Budget is a record of personal or company finances including a review of financial assumptions and summary.
Analysis document is a form of qualitative research that is interpreted by a researcher or analyst.
Datasheet is a collection or summary of information that is used to describe the characteristics of an item or product.
Estimate is a non-biding document provided to a buyer indicating the price of a certain item or service which may be subject to change.
Family Tree
Family tree is a record of family relationships using a conventional tree structure.
Feedback is a form that contains suggestions, reactions and comments regarding a certain issue or performance.
Form is a general document use to record or collect information for whatever purpose it may serve.
An inventory is a list of items that are currently stored or is on hand.
An itinerary is a detailed list of places, dates, contacts, and activities.
A list is a complication of documents pertaining to a particular subject that is summarized in chronological order.
A log is a document that is used to collect and record certain information.
A note is a record of a discussion, topic, or transaction which is used as proof or aid to memory.
A notice is a form of notification, warning, or announcement.
An order is a document used as an intention to formally arrange an order in regards to a particular item or service.
An outline is a structured document that is summarized and usually focuses on the focal points of a certain topic.
A plan is a formulated idea or proposal that often describes its purpose, benefits, and conditions.
A policy is a set of written rules, regulations and terms that a reader is required to follow.
A report is a detailed summary of a certain topic that is presented to a specific audience.
A resume is a document submitted by a job applicant that describes personal information such as education, skills, qualifications, and previous work experience.
A schedule is a detailed list of activities and events that are planned to happen.
Sheets are documents used to write down, record, and compile information.
A survey is a document used to gather information, particularly for research purposes.
A timetable is a scheduled list of events and activities.
Trackers are documents used to track, record, and manage activities and transactions.
White Paper
White paper is an in-depth report that records and guides its readers about a specific issue and the problem that surrounds it.
A summary is a brief statement or review pertaining to a certain topic.
An affidavit is a written sworn statement from an individual which can be presented to the court as evidence.
An essay is an analytic or interpretative composition regarding a particular subject.
Mission Statement
A mission statement is a short action-based statement that defines a purpose of an organization.
Agenda is a documented list of activities and important matters that needs to be solved or achieved.
Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is a written authorization that designates a certain individual to act on another’s behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter.
Bill of Sale
A bill of sale is a legal document that is used when there is a need to transfer ownership of personal property from one party to another.
Deeds is a written legal document that serves as a record or proof of ownership of a property.
Genogram is a graphic display of a person’s family relationship and history.
Review is an assessment or evaluation regarding a particular subject or performance.
A paystub, or in other terms pay slip is a summary of an employee’s wage and deduction.
Fax Cover Sheet
Fax cover sheet is the first page that is faxed to the recipient before they received the actual document.
Worksheets are commonly used for students which are given by a teacher or tutor to complete a particular task.
Workbook is a collection of worksheets that are complied to help organize data.
Questionnaires are documents that contain a list of questions to be answered.
A roster is a list of personnel and the order in which their duty is to be performed.
Payroll is a documented list of an employee’s salary, hours worked, and salary calculation.
Case Study
a case study is a detailed examination of about a particular individual, a group of people, or a certain subject matter.
Organizational Charts
Organizational charts are used to show the structure, relationships, and ranks between members of an organization.
SOP or standard operating procedure is a document that details the instruction and operations within an organization.
Sprint planning is a document that tracks goals, set expectations, and plans for execution.
A syllabus is a document that outlines what will be covered in a course of study.
OKR or Objective and Key Results is a tool that is designed to help organizations establish far-reaching goals in days instead of months.
Bill of Material
a bill of materials is a list of materials and other components used to manufacture a product.
Price Comparison
Price comparison is a document that helps you organize and compare the price of products or services from a list of suppliers or vendors.
One Sheet
One sheet is a one-page document that highlights a specific product or service with the goal of promotion.
Instruction Manual
Instruction manual is a document that guides a user on how to do something or how to use something.
Policy and Procedure
A policy and procedure is a set of guidelines to follow while a procedure is the instructions on how a policy is followed.
Corporate Bylaws
Corporate bylaws are lists of rules that define a corporation’s purpose and how it will operate.
Test Case
A test case is a document that details a set of test data, preconditions, expected results, and post conditions.
User Story
User Story is a short, simple and plain-language explanation of a feature or functionality written from a user’s point of view.
Matrix is a method for representing text data.
A handbook is a guide or reference that contains instructions or advice about how to do something or useful information about a subject.
Use Case
Use case is a list of actions that describes how a user interacts with a system or product.
Creative Briefs
Creative Briefs are documents that outlines the strategies involved in a creative project.
A rubric is a document used by teachers to gather data about their student’s progress on a particular assignment or skill.
Time Blocking
Time blocking is a technique that helps manage, prioritize and schedule activities to increase productivity.
Action Item
Action Item is a documented task or activity that needs to be accomplished.
Terms and Conditions Template
Terms and conditions template provides the essential elements needed to create rules and guidelines regarding a specific transaction, behavior or activity.
Risk Register
Risk register is project management documenting tool used to identify risk and to come up with action plans to manage the risk.
Address Book
Address book is a list of contacts that includes names, email addresses, and contact numbers.
Smart Goals
Smart goals are a goal-setting tools that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.
A bibliography is a selective or complete list of books and articles that have been used by the writer when writing a particular book or article.
Business Case
A business case is a document used in project management to examine the opportunities, alternatives, project stages, and financial investment to make a recommendation for the best course of action.
A retrospective is a document that discusses the product development and release process and the team’s performance.
A recap is a summary of what has been discussed.
Bill of Lading
Bill of Lading is a legal document that serves as a receipt of freight services, a contract between a freight carrier and shipper, and a document of title.
Team Charter
Team charter is a document that outlines what your team stands for, the operation process and expected outcomes.
SBAR which stands for Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation is a written or verbal communication that critical information during an emergency situation.
Unit Plan
Unit Plan is defined as a description of the lessons in the unit that specifies the main task and goal of each lesson.
Likert Scale
Likert Scale is a list of surveys or questionnaires which makes use of a rating scale such as close-ended questions to collect data.
Lessons Learned Templates
Lessons learned templates are documents that help you break down a potential and existing problem that has been found within a project.
Roles and Responsibilities
Roles and responsibilies are a definition of a person’s tasks, position, and duties in a team.
Note Taking
Note taking is the process of recording bits of essential information from different platforms and sources.
Term Sheet Template
Term Sheet Template is a document that summarizes the terms and conditions of the tentative agreement.
CRM Templates
CRM Templates are documents used to help track contacts or leads online in spreadsheet format.
IOU Templates
IOU template is a tool that provides details of a debt owed by one party to another.
Goal Setting
Goal Setting is an action plan that will motivate and direct an individual or group of people to accomplish their goals.
Living Will Templates
Living Will Templates are forms that instruct medical staff on how to treat a patient with a terminal condition.
Press Release
Press Release is an official written statement regarding a certain topic or issue which is delivered to news media outlets.
Last Will and Testament
Last Will and Testament is a legal document that records the wishes and instructions on what should be done with the deceased person’s property and other personal affairs.
Project Scope Templates
Project Scope Templates is a handy tool that provides a detailed outline that includes the activities, resources, timelines, and deliverables of a project.
APA Format
APA Format is a documentation style format produced by the American Psychological Association that is used for writing academic papers regardless of subject or discipline.
References are documents that provide readers about the source thus creating an association between documents that contain related, essential information.
Petition is a written request for a particular cause and is signed by a significant number of people.
Bill Tracker
Bill Tracker is a document that organizes and manages bills to be paid to ensure these are paid on time.
Review of System
Review of System is a technique used by healthcare providers which consists of a list of questions, arranged by organ system, and designed to uncover dysfunction and disease within that area.
Permission Slip
Permission slips, which are usually used in schools, provide authorization to the name indicated in the document for whatever purpose it serves.
Checkbook Register
Checkbook Registers are records of all of the check and cash transactions your business has during an accounting period.
Script is written work that details the setting, characters, dialogue, and stage directions for movies, TV shows, and stage plays.
Schedule of Values
A schedule of values is a comprehensive list of work items and contract prices needed during the duration of the project.
Pleading Paper
Pleading Paper is the format of a document that is filed with the court when a pre-made form is unavailable.
Receipt Book
A receipt book is a small pad that consists of multiple copies of receipts where one copy is given to your customer or client as proof of their payment.
Kanban Cards
Kanban Cards are a visual representation of a work item or an authorization to produce, purchase, or move goods.
Corporate Resolution Templates
Corporate Resolution Templates is a written legal document that provides the rules and framework as to how the board of directors can act under particular circumstances.
Feasibility Study Templates
Feasibility Study Template is a tool used in business research to assess the risks associated with a proposed project or operation.
Business Requirements Document Templates
Business Requirements Document Templates are designed to record all of the details necessary for projects and plans of any type.
Register or registration document that gives identification details to property or an official record of names and other information.
Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation is a set of formal documents that an organization files to a government body to legally document the creation of a corporation.
Child Care Authorization
Child Care Authorization is a legal document that authorizes an individual or institution to take care of a child or make important decisions regarding the child’s welfare.
Affidavit of Identity
Affidavit of Identity is a legal document that affirms a person’s identity.
Deposit Slip Template
Deposit Slip Template is an accounting tool that details the time, date and amount of money deposited to a bank account.
Satisfaction of Mortgage
Satisfaction of Mortgage is a document that serves as proof that you have paid off your mortgage in full.
Assignment of Partnership Interest Templates
Assignment of Partnership Interest Templates come in handy when one party in a partnership agreement decides to sell or leverage the stakes onto a third party; you legally set the terms in this type of document on how rights will be transferred from the main partner to the new one.
States of Matter Worksheets Templates
States of Matter Worksheets Templates are helpful learning tools regarding the three main states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas); teachers can provide these worksheets to the students or any target as an introduction to the states of matter may the approach be related to experiments, drawings, essays, or quizzes.
Codicil Wills Templates
Codicil Wills Templates mark your final chance to conduct last-minute changes to your will and testament without having to remake the whole will; use these legal documents that allow supplementary changes to the will so that your final wishes would be respected and it is easier to use premade templates.
Medical Records Request Templates
Medical Records Request Templates are the right objects used as the formal way to ask for any patient’s medical history or data, and you can state the name of the patient, what medical information is required, and the reason for needing the data in personalizing a medical records request template.
Mechanics Liens
Mechanics Liens legally promise payments for mechanical engineers, contractors, and even construction companies, depending on what was structured in these guarantee documents; you need an easy-to-follow, downloadable, and customizable mechanic’s lien template to properly hold or claim against a property as a security interest without bothering to write from scratch.
Financial Projection
Financial Projection templates are research-driven forecasts for estimating any enterprise’s future costs, revenues, sales, income statements, cash flows, and overall expenses, and you deserve to calculate such finances, no matter how big or small those may involve, using premade and efficient financial project templates for the benefit of your company.
Screenplay Templates
Screenplay Templates are the key to producing well-written movies, TV series, or motion picture media, and you deserve professionally made templates that follow standard formatting and rules of screenplays as a reference; take advantage of these user-friendly and editable screenplay templates to unleash the inner, creative screenplay writer within you.
Brand Strategy Templates
Brand strategy Templates are useful tools to build, design, and strategize however you want to effectively uphold your business brand, and you hardly go wrong in using premade and creatively designed brand strategy templates since you will be guided from the strategy fundamentals, mission-vision, customer personas, and many other elements.
Transition Templates
Transition Templates are what you refer to in outlining the entire plan for project continuity, particularly when employees or members are assigned new roles; thanks to these customizable and easy-to-follow templates, adjusting to the changeovers would be hassle-free because the transition template serves as the ultimate guide to transition smoothly.
Comparison templates are easy-to-read visuals or detailed infographic charts when you need to easily compare two subjects according to their advantages, disadvantages, and other distinguishable features to compare with, and you simply note down each of the topic’s key differences for easy viewing using fillable, editable, and downloadable comparison templates.
Marketing Campaign
Marketing campaign is an organized and strategized effort to promote products and services by utilizing various types of media like the radio, television, online platforms, and print publications. By advertising their offerings effectively, companies or businesses can raise awareness and inform potential customers of the advantages of their products and services.
Due Diligence
Due diligence refers to the investigation, audit, or review executed to validate facts or information regarding a matter under consideration. This process also includes a risk and compliance assessment as well as systematic steps conducted by an individual to satisfy a legal requirement, particularly in buying or selling a property or product.
Cash Flow Templates
Cash flow templates are documents that enable an individual or company to provide their cash flow statement which is one of the key financial statements that has details on how much cash comes in and goes out of a business over a certain period of time. These templates help a business to efficiently document its operating, investing, and financing cash flow each year.
KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
KPI stands for key performance indicator, and it is a notable business measurement tool to check if you and your team are running successfully or have fallen short.
A ledger is a collection of accounts that serves as an official record of transactions. Each of those accounts come with an opening balance, with every transaction recorded as either credit or debit in different columns. The sum of either one, or both, is recorded in the closing balance or the ending.
Email or electronic mail is a message or note from a business or individual that is transmitted to and received by digital devices through using the internet through an email system or application on the web.
Planning documents are a set of documents used by organizers and planners to arrange a project, program, or proposal.
Site Map
Site maps provide general information about every page of a website, blog site, web app, or web domain and their location in the web/online platform’s construction.
Reconciliation is a business and finance document for many businesses and organizations that support the reconciliation process for many financial matters to validate and check business transactions.
Work Instruction
A work instruction is a written document that companies and organizations use to explain how to perform a certain task or conduct a certain procedure.
A workflow can be described as an intentionally orchestrated pattern of activity, usually but not exclusive to professional environments, that is then repeated on a regular basis. This is enabled by resources that are systematically organized into processes that then turn into helpful services, usable materials, and processed information.
Logic Model
A logic model is a hypothetical description of a series of causes and effects. These models are created to help determine the potential outcome of a certain interest, with prominent examples being the prediction of annual traffic collision and how prevalent certain diseases are.
Notion Template
A notion template is any page shared publicly in Notion that is capable of being duplicated. Through this, users can share their preferred workflows with any community that they are a part of. Alternatively, they can duplicate the workflows of others that they may have the desire to use as their own.
Study Template
A study template is a document, utilized by both students and professionals alike, that can be used to further improve upon the efficiency of laboratory routines. They can be grouped together and edited in order to create brand new studies that can test out and improve more experiments and routines.
Revision Template
A revision template is a document that is designed to help students create their own revision schedules before an upcoming exam. These templates can be edited to fit whatever learning style its user may have, and can range from having simplistic designs to more complex ones, depending on the subject matter and user preference.
Paragraph Template
A paragraph template is a small but useful item that writers can utilize when they are having trouble writing paragraphs on their own. They can use this and make whatever edits they want or need as much as they can, so the paragraph template can best fit into whatever it is that they are writing as a whole.
A paycheck is a small, rectangular piece of paper issued by employers to pay their employees for any services rendered. The check is then taken to the bank so that the amount specified can be exchanged for cash or deposited into their accounts.
A breakdown is a document that, as its name suggests, provides categorization of certain things, such as items or finances. Doing so will make it easier to digest the specifics of something since it takes it apart one by one, allowing users to better focus on the more minor details.
A biography is a document that chronicles the life of a specific person. The subject of biographies need not be particularly famous; the document will take his or her story apart, bit by bit, as a written retelling of that life the subject has led up to a certain point.
A chapter is a section of a document, typically a book. The books with separate chapters can be either fiction or nonfiction. In addition to books, other kinds of documents also feature chapters, such as report documents. The length and subject covered by an individual chapter will vary depending on the document type and the nature of the overall topic.
Work Breakdown Structure
A work breakdown structure is a tool used in project management. This tool shows the existing connections between a work goal’s multiple objectives and can help measure both deliverables and milestones. The use of this structure greatly simplifies the assignment of tasks and increases the efficiency as well.
A vacancy letter is a written note that expresses all of the necessary details involved in a job vacancy. It not only includes the specific job title but it also describes the job overview and responsibilities in full. Other items described within are the listed qualifications, application closing date, and even the job salary range.
A quiz is a test type. It comes in numerous formats, with the most popular and common variations including multiple choice quizzes, fill-in-the-blank quizzes, and true or false quizzes, among many more. Students answer these quizzes in the classroom but can also find themselves answering during events like quiz bowls.
GDPR Compliance
The GDPR or the General Data Protection Regulation Compliance is a European law that requires organizations to follow strict guidelines, security frameworks, and standard processes to preserve personal data privacy. Multiple organizations are presently in compliance with the GDPR to make sure that they don’t violate data security measures, putting their reputation at risk in the process.
A textbook is an educational book that contains comprehensive content about a specific field or branch of study. Said content is compiled and explained as thoroughly as possible. Educators utilize textbooks to make their jobs faster, easier, and more efficient. Many textbooks come in either print or digital formats or both.
Sales Forecast
A sales forecast is a project of future sales by a company based on variables such as past and present trends, macroeconomic factors, and potential developments. The development of a sales forecast can influence a company’s decision making on multiple levels, making it among the most important documents that a business can come up with.
Request for Information
A RFI or request for information is a document that asks suppliers for broad information regarding the solutions they can provide in order to better facilitate vendor comparison. It provides businesses with chances to assess which vendors are capable of assisting them with a specific project. Companies can then select vendors that can meet their demands through the issuing of RFIs.
In business, a pipeline is a general strategy meant to monitor progress and development. Businesses utilize this to establish and monitor any and all opportunities that come their way through lead generation and proper tracking. The pipeline method can be used to identify revenue generating opportunities through a highly detailed series of steps.
Roadmaps are strategic planning tools that people use to help themselves plan out and manage the progress of projects both in the long-term and short-term. In addition to the planning and management aspects, roadmaps can also be beneficial in setting future goals that both individuals and teams alike can focus on.
A bid refers to any offer created by a person or a business in order to purchase assets. Bids can initiate offers that may be done at live auctions, online bids, closed bidding, or with dealers. Having a document that outlines the bid details and stipulations is essential to set up a proper agreement between the parties involved.
A calculator is a portable electronic device that can perform and complete mathematical equations instantaneously. This is typically used in schools, home, and office operations that deal with finances. For the latter, it can help track and manage financial assets and can be highly useful for budgeting, payroll, potential revenue, expenses, and more.
A diary is a document, either print or digital, where users chronicle their thoughts, feelings, or day-to-day happenings in. Though not always the case, diaries are usually documents of a private and personal nature due to the contents written within. Users of all ages have been writing in modern-style diaries since at least the fifteenth century.
Sign Up Sheet
Sign up sheets are indispensable marketing and tracking tools used by businesses and event organizers. It lets them identify those who are willing to participate in their upcoming events or activities. Due to the easy accessibility and simplicity of use of sign up sheets, it is among the most widely used documents around.
Company Description
A company description is a clear and concise document that contains key information regarding a specific business. Said information will include the name of the business, a detailed overview of its vision, mission, and other relevant information. Its submission is often done to inform or educate others as to what the company is all about.
Case Brief
A case brief is a written document that explains the fundamental points of a specific court decision; basically a dissection of a judicial opinion. Both trial and appellate persuasive briefs are both case briefs since they are official papers submitted by lawyers to a court in an attempt to argue their client’s viewpoint on their behalf.
Grade Book
A gradebook is a self-service tool utilized by teachers and students alike. This collaborative tool allows teachers to assign schoolwork and tasks to their students, set deadlines for their assignments, grade those assignments, and provide feedback, among other things.
Assumptions are statements and ideas organizations generate for their business plans, facing and confronting these ideas to perform successful activities and projects for the market. These assumptions help to make a successful and effective plan in the future, with project managers and teams relying on the document regarding success rates for specific projects.
Pricing describes the decision-making procedure used to determine the worth of a product or a service. When setting prices, a company might employ a wide range of tactics, but they are all variations of pricing.
Key Results Area (KRA) is used to ensure that an employee or department achieves certain goals while conducting their job that are aligned with the company’s overall goal, objectives, mission, and vision. It is used to track progress over time and can also help the employee or department improve overall productivity.
Scope of Work
A scope of work serves as the roadmap for a team through the outlining of the project conditions and overall process of achieving the objectives of a project. Included on the document is information regarding the deliverables, the timeframe, the milestones, the reports, and the overall outline of the work conducted throughout the project. If a statement of work is not necessary for your project, a scope of work can stand alone.
A waiver is a legal document and agreement between multiple parties that waives one or the other’s right to a certain claim. The terms and conditions are set and all the waiver requires is the consent of the signatory for it to be deemed enforceable and effective. A waiver is widely seen as a means of protection or insurance for both individuals and organizations.
Decision Matrix
A decision matrix is a systematic decision-making process that enables both individuals and organizations to reach logical and sound goals. It is a visual representation of the various options available and the break-downs of each individual option. The decision matrix approach is particularly helpful when one is faced or presented with several options.
Packing Slip
A packing slip, otherwise known as packing lists, waybills, or shipping lists, and it is because of how this piece of a document provides significant information about a parcel. Despite not being a legal requirement, packing slips ensure that any purchase is monitored, thanks to the details within the document where you opening a parcel isn’t even necessary to know what it contains. From the date of purchase, order number, and invoice data, rest assured, packing slips answer the frequently asked questions regarding packages.
Documents – Uses, Purposes, Importance
Documents are used for reference, as a source of information for research or studies, and as proof that a transaction has been made.
Transfer of Information
Documents are written down by the author to facilitate the transfer of information from one person to another. It is important that the context is easily understood by its intended reader.
Set Expectations
Written documents provide consistency and define the expectations that should be followed by the parties involved.
Provides Security
Documents may provide security in case there are issues in the future. They can be used to support any disputes and misunderstandings which is why it is important to keep a record of any transaction between both parties.
What Is in a Document?
Documents are identified because of their title which is usually located in the upper portion of the document. A title is usually written in bold letters so the reader can determine what the document is all about.
Personal Information
Personal information is sometimes written down on a document. The author’s name, designation, address, and other relevant details are disclosed to identify its creator.
Main Body
The main body is where the content is written down and explained. It can be as short as a single statement, a combination of words and numbers, or several pages long.
Some documents such as agreements, proposals, contracts, or permission slips may require the signatures of the author or from its reader. This is usually located on the last page or lower portion of the document.
Another optional yet found in a number of documents is the date. Dates that are found in a document could be deadlines, a reference of its completion, or simply allows you to easily organize information chronologically.