Geogrid-Reinforced Slopes & Wall Products
Trusted grade separation solutions for every project
Sites with grade separation requirements present a number of challenges with an even greater number of potential solutions. Confined construction footprints, limited access, seismic and settlement activity, environmental restrictions, and more – all pose significant design, construction, and budgetary demands on owners, developers, engineers, and contractors. Conventional solutions including cast-in-place concrete walls and sunken pilings can be costly, difficult to stage, time-consuming, and labor-intensive.
Tensar can help. With a wide variety of offerings for reinforced soil retaining walls and slopes, Tensar’s grade separation solutions combine blocks and connectors with resilient, high-strength uniaxial (UX) geogrids. These aesthetically appealing slope and retaining wall products are designed as comprehensive systems, so you never need to worry about whether the parts will come together easily into the greater whole. And if that’s not enough, Tensar’s solutions can also offer substantial time and cost savings, bringing greater total value to your project.
Retaining Wall Stabilization
Retaining walls serve a critical function in holding back the earth from buildings, roads, railroads, and other important infrastructure. While there are many different methods for constructing a retaining wall, it must resist the lateral pressure of the soil behind it. Tensar specializes in mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) solutions, which combine a geogrid with connectors and wall blocks to create a retaining wall that resists internal shear better than a simple gravity wall.
Geogrid Reinforced Slopes
Reinforced soil slopes and steepened slopes present unique stability challenges, but they can be better alternatives to other grade separation solutions when aesthetic appeal and environmental impacts must be taken into account. Tensar’s reinforced soil slope (RSS) solutions are stabilized with geogrids to provide long-term durability and structural integrity that you can rely on. These solutions often cost less than conventional concrete walls thanks to reduced fill requirements and the allowed use of less expensive, on-site fills, including hot soils.