Jewish Symbolism

Star of David
Star of David

Related Categories: Hamsa    Islamic Symbols    Jewish Symbolism    Middle Eastern Symbols    Tree of Life   

Ark Of Salvation
The historical relationship between the three western monotheistic faiths is not linear, but circular. Each one led inevitably to the next, and the last is entirely dependent upon the ongoing fulfillment of the prophecies of the first, now and forever.

Israel's Symbols
Symbols of the Tribes of Israel, The Heraldry of Israel.

Jewish Symbolism -
The Hebrew word for symbol is ot which in early Judaism denoted not only a sign, but also a visible religious token of the relation between God and man.
Jacob's Ladder   

Gillian's Jewish Symbols Stationery
Download free Outlook Express Stationery, Jewish and General, designed by Gillian and Nava.

Judaism 101
A description of various Jewish signs and symbols, including the mezuzah, tefillin, tzitzit and tallit, yarmulke, menorah, Star of David, and chai.
Hebrew Alphabet   

Traditional Jewish symbols, rituals reflect sanctity of marriage
God's creation of Eve "shows us that the true state of a human being is when they're married," says Rabbi Chaim Silver, spiritual leader of Young Israel of Phoenix, an Orthodox congregation. "It's the most productive and meaningful state possible."

Jewish Encyclopedia
The complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations.

One of the oldest symbols of the Jewish faith is the menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum used in the Temple. The kohanim lit the menorah in the Sanctuary every evening and cleaned it out every morning, replacing the wicks and putting fresh olive oil into the cups.

Lulavs, Lilies, and Lyres - Symbols on Coins of Antiquity
The Jews of antiquity minted their own coins during a 269-year period, from the reign of Hasmonean king John Hyrcanus in 134 B.C.E. to the end of the Second Revolt in 135 C.E.

Does the Star of David Have Religious Significance in Judaism? -
The Star of David is a six-pointed star made up of two triangles superimposed over each other. In Judaism it is often called the Magen David, which means the "shield of David" in Hebrew. It doesn�t have any religious significance in Judaism but it is one of the symbols most commonly associated with the Jewish people.

Jewish Symbols by Klari Goodman
The glow from the Eternal Light flows out of the painting to encompass all and a spark from it comes down to light the Chanukah Menorah.

Torah 101
On the doorposts of traditional Jewish homes, you will find a small case like the one pictured at right. This case is known as a mezuzah ("doorpost"), because it is placed upon the doorposts of the house.

Proto-Hebrew alphabet -
The Proto-Hebrew or Early Aramaic alphabet was developed sometime during the late 10th or early 9th century BC and replaced Assyrian cuneiform as the main writing system of the Assyrian empire.

Judaism Symbolism
Judaism vigilantly avoids the use of any symbolic representation in worship, especially of humanlike figures. At the same time, there are a small number of prominent symbols that are prominently displayed in many synagogues and other Jewish institutions.

Shamash: The Jewish Internet Consortium Graphics Library
No artwork here may be reproduced for financial benefit, it remains the sole property of the original author. Congregational and organizational logos will not appear in this area, only general purpose Jewish images.

Jewish Symbols on Grave Monuments
Hands held in benediction are the symbol of the Cohens, members of the priestly family of the tribe of Levi. Also: Crown, Deer, Lion, Magen David or Star of David, Menorah, Offering Box, Torah Scroll, Ten Commandments, Water Jug and Washing Bowl.