Miscellaneous Symbols

Peace Sign
Peace Sign
Sovereign's Orb
Sovereign's Orb
Picto Poker Card: Fish
Picto Poker

On this Page: Campground Symbols    Fabric Care Symbols    Light    Rug Symbols   
Related Categories: Cemetery Symbolism    Circle Symbolism    Literary Symbolism    Symbols of Power   

Language of Flowers
As every flower lover knows, flowers have a language of their own. Every sentiment is expressed in one form or another by these fragile blooms and as a leading psychologist states... "Flowers are a perfect replica of human life".

At sign - wikipedia.org
The at sign, also called the at symbol, is formally an abbreviation of the accounting and commercial invoice term "at the rate of". In recent years its meaning has changed to also mean "at" in the sense of "located at", especially in email addresses.
Miscellaneous Symbols    Anarchist symbolism   

Magical Mystical Symbols
An assortment from cultures and traditions around the world. Gods, Goddesses, scenes, and astrological symbols. Celtic, North and South American, Egyptian, African & many other cultures' traditional decorative art. European Art from the 14th to the 18th centuries.

Illustrations and meanings of some popular symbols
Yin-Yang, Peace Symbol, Shamrock, Four-Leaf Clover, The Unicorn, Donkey, Elephant, Cat. Playing Cards: The Club, The Diamond, The Heart, The Spade. Adinkra Symbols: Akoma (the heart), Osram ne nsromma(the moon and the star), Gye nyame (accept God), Nyame dua (an altar to the sky God or "God's tree").

Time-Law Symbols
Introducing Scandinavian symbols in rock-carvings. With boats, circles, snakes, feet they symbolised seasons of year and all the ritual times. Rituals were preparation for labour for short or long times. Normally they regulated only the summer season.

Greek, Indian, and Chinese Elements
Symbols for the elements with descriptions.

Origins of the Happy Human Symbol
Where did the Humanist icon--The Happy Human--come from?

World Treasures of the Library of Congress: Beginnings
Views of the Earth: Jaina World View, Sacred Cows, Medieval Islamic Map of the World, Islamic World Map, T-O Map of the World, Rescuing the Earth, Wheel of Life, The Burmese Buddhist World, Celestial View of Earth, and more.

Chakra Kundalini Art
In 1971, after six months of riding on horseback through the mountains and deserts of Arizona and New Mexico, artist Ralph Adamson rode down into the Rio Grande backyard of New Mexico artist Bill Rane. "Bill's paintings had a vitality and humor that was irresistible." Six months later Ralph had rented a cabin on Panther Creek in the wilds of Idaho and was painting his first painting in oil color.

Symbols and the Search for Meaning
Although we hold a symbol language in common, we don't always interpret individual symbols in the same way. Symbols point to deeper truths that we usually experience as individuals or as members of a particular culture.

Early human marks are symbols
A series of parallel lines engraved in an animal bone between 1.4 and 1.2 million years ago may be the earliest example of human symbolic behaviour.

AskOxford: Symbols
Is there a name for the dot above the i?
What is the name for the # symbol?
What is the origin of the '@' sign?
And others.

Picto Poker
You need to arrange the cards in the following order to win the game: picture card, pictograph card, then purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, according to the rainbow.
Picto Solitaire   

VML Draw Page
Web-based application allows a user to make simple, colorful drawings, then convert them to Vector Markup Language (VML) for displaying on webpages.

Lotus: Flower of Symbolism
Bilingual web site (English, French) bringing different spiritual traditions together to highlight various symbols and approach their common source.


Campground Symbols

Rangeley Maine
Key to Web Site Symbols.


Fabric Care Symbols

Care Label Symbols - Ohio State University
Most consumers consider care labels on clothing a desirable government regulation. The Care Labeling Rule was enacted in 1972 and amended in 1984. It required manufacturers to provide permanently attached, written care instructions on apparel sold in the United States.

Laundry Guide to Common Care Symbols
Care Labels: Your Guide to Easy Care Care labels provide helpful information that can save you time and money.



Diwali - wikipedia.org
Diwali (also spelled Devali in certain regions) or Deepavali, popularly known as the "festival of lights", is an important five-day festival in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, celebrated for different reasons, occurring between mid-October and mid-November.

(PDF) - Weaving the symbolism of light
According to a well-known universal symbolism, �light� expresses the distinction of creation from the darkness of non-distinction.

Day And Night
Perhaps the most dramatic division of cyclical time is the daily contrast between day and night. Symbolically, this cycle offers the most dramatic contrast between light and darkness, between consciousness and unconsciousness.


Rug Symbols

Oriental Rug Symbols
Offers online shopping facility for ordering handmade turkish rugs and kilims and general information about oriental rugs and kilims. A commercial site, but you can view the symbols for free.