< Knee Injuries


Learn about MCL/LCL, its causes, treatment options, and recommended products to help you heal.
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MCL/LCL - Essential info, expert advice and product recommendations

What is it?

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) are located on the medial (inner) and lateral (outer) side of the knee. The attach to the distal (bottom) end of the femur (thighbone) and proximal (top) end of the tibia (shinbone) to play an important role in joint strength and stability. A torn MCL/LCL may include symptoms of pain, swelling and stiffness, tenderness along the inside/outside of the knee and instability.

Why do I have it?

Typically caused when a blow to either side of the patella (knee) occurs. The severity of the blow causes the ligament to stretch, resulting in a strain or tear of the ligament.

When does it hurt?

Weight-bearing activities such as standing and walking are likely to cause increased pain.

The Bracing Experts Advice

Many light-weight, hinged bracing options are available to provide additional support the sides of the patella (knee). These braces are intended for daily use and allow functionality while the ligament heals.

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The Bracing Experts Advice

Many light-weight, hinged bracing options are available to provide additional support the sides of the patella (knee). These braces are intended for daily use and allow functionality while the ligament heals.

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Everything you need to know about Ligament knee braces

Our guide to the best braces to help recover from a ligament injury like a torn ACL, PCL, MCL or LCL.
Ligament Knee BRaces →

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