Well... here goes...

I avoid telling the detail in this story but I guess I will this time, and only this time.
I probably wont forget this until i'm 100 years old.
This was my Latin teacher in my Junior year of High School.
She had an erotic fixation about being "smelled"
She would always ask us if we could smell her perfume and shyt. She would even put her armpits in our faces and ask us if she smelled good.
Looking back on this, it was very strange but at the time we just laughed and giggled and thought it was funny.
We even played this game at the beginning of class of trying to guess what perfume was.
Winner would get Extra Credit so we all participated
She was OBSESSED with how she smelled.
Well one night I missed the study hall for exam prep because of sports. I sent her an email asking if we could go over it afterclass but she said not to worry about it and that she could come to the dorm after studyhall was over.
I went to an all boys post-military boarding school so we had mandatory studyhall from 5:00-7:30
And it wasn't uncommon for a teacher to come to the dorms, they would just stay in the lobby tho, they never went to your rooms.
So after study hall she calls me on my room phone and says to come to her office instead.
So I go to her office with my Latin book and we start going over declensions and causes, etc.

Then after about 15 mintues she locks the door and says its because the cleaners always come in there after hours.

I'm like... ok sure (i'm 16 btw)
Then she opens up her blouse a bit and says she's trying a new perfume.

She asks if I can smell it.
I say it smells great
She calls me a liar and says I cant smell it from that far.

She tells me to come closer so I can tell her how it smells.

She takes a seat on her couch in her office (green 2 seater, I still remember)
She pats the couch where she wants me to sit.
I go and sit by her and she's like "Lean in, make sure you get a big whiff

You know how they say scents stick with you and we sometimes attach memories to certain scents?

Yeah I think I do to because every time I smell something that smells like this, I think of this incident.
But.... objectively, she smelled good
So I say... again.. "you smell great"
And then she laughs and says "You're not close enough, i want you closer"
She touches the top of my head and forces me right into her cleavage.
I was probably in that position for 8-10 seconds but it felt like a minute. I think i started sweating
Then she says, "I cant hear you, I want you to take a big whiff, I want to hear you breath it in

So... me being an idiot and not leaving... i take a big, I-have-asthma type whiff of her cleavage.
And breh... she moans when I do that
Then her whole entire demeanor changes. She starts whispering "you dont have to smell with nose, you can smell with your tongue as well. I'll show you, lick me"
That was when I said I had to use the bathroom (I actually kinda did................

) and she was like "Oh.... ok well hurry back

I never hurried back.
We never discussed what happened.
She treated me very coldly after that. Not mean but just very unemotionally. But the year was almost over so i guess it didn't matter.
the only person I told was my younger brother cuz he said he wanted to take Latin and I was like