2025, I Am Who I Am wants a War on Hard Drugs.
I Am Who I Am wants a World War on Hard drugs in all countries of the world. The Commands of I Am Who I Am has given to mankind are do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not abuse and do not enslave. Dealers of hard drugs enslave people. Drug related deaths in the 21th century exceed 2.5 millions. Addicted people have no life. Before countries start the War on Hard drugs, the countries could redrawn from the International Criminal Court. Read more . . .
2025, Trump Triumphs.
The first month of President Trump gives a clear direction of the New Culture. The past years were dominated by the identity policy in which religion, politics, economy and culture suppressed the equality of the civilians in favorite to self called victims. Today the self declared victims turn to be hostile towards democracy, equality and freedom. This led to a massive dissatisfaction of the civilians in the US and Europe. Trump aims for a democratic policy with equality, freedom, liberty and democracy. Read more . . .
2025, The Creation of Time is Wonderful.
At the beginning of the Creation, the Creator I Am Who I Am created the Time. The Time is a wonderful aspect of the Creation. The past is done, everything in the Creation lives now, the future is undecided. All objects live now. Only humans many times regret the past and make assumptions about the future. Many humans do not live now. Read more . . .
2025, Be Honest or Be not.
I Am Who I Am only has one purpose for mankind. To be honest or be not. Honesty is not killing, not stealing, not telling lies, not abusing people, and not enslaving people. These aspects of honesty are in order for a human to enter the Light. If a human does not do that, a human life is spoiled and the human will die in darkness. A honest human will be protected by I Am Who I Am. A dishonest human has no spiritual protection. There are too many fantasies about the spiritual world and what God wants. Read more . . .
2025-2-23, Putin started war with Ukraine illegally.
Three years ago Putin started the war of Russia with Ukraine illegally. With the illegal change of the Russian Constitution Putin proclaimed to be President for more terms. The Russian Constitution should have been changed article for article but Putin did that in one term for multiple articles. This term to be President of the Russian Federation therefore is illegal. And not being a legal President, warlord Putin started the war with Ukraine illegally. Read more . . .
2025, Child Abuse Grows.
Around 20.000 young females have been abused by female genital mutilation in Amsterdam. The mayor of Amsterdam Mrs. Femke Halsema recognizes this, but sees it as part of an older culture. She does nothing to prevent it. Another 4.200 young female children are under threat of sending to other countries to be abused. For other cities their has been no research. Read more . . .
2024, I Am Who I Am wants an Honest World.
Today the world is in chaos. Warlords kills, steal, abuse lie and put civilians into slavery. The Warlords have been given a choice, to be honest or to be evil. If the warlords choose evil, they will feel the Fury of I Am Who I Am. Mankind destroys the Earth from greed. I Am Who I Am interferes. I Am Who I Am wants an Honest World.
I Am Who I Am has given messages to the Messenger. The general message is Be Honest or feel My Fury. The messages are written in The Book “I Am Who I Am wants an Honest World”. (Click on the link or image to download, its free).
2025, I Am Who I Am wants no Idolatry.
The call to avoid idolatry is a call to exclusive devotion to God, recognizing I Am Who I Am as the ultimate source of life, purpose, and fulfillment. It is a reminder to guard one’s heart against anything that might usurp God’s rightful place. I Am Who I Am is all around you, not limited by space, time, gender, location or objects. If you think you will be answered when you pray to an iron, wooden, stone or any other picture or object you are wrong. Pray to I Am Who I Am, and you will be heard. Read more . . .
2025, Restore the Academic Free Expression.
The Hamas massacre at Octobre 7 2023 and the defence war of Israel against the Hamas terrorism has brought the long-simmering debates over free speech on college campuses to a boiling point. The academic world has lost itself to antisemitism and support of terrorism. Politics should restore the academic free expression. This means to secure universities from violent activism and to remove the pro-terrorist camps, students, employees and professors. Read more . . .
2025, Asteroids are on the way to earth.
Asteroids chances of hitting Earth in 2032 got higher – but don’t panic the Nasa says. Space rock (2024 YR4) now has 2.3% risk of collision – up from 1.3% in December and is estimated 3 on the Torino Scale. A close encounter, meriting attention by astronomers. Current calculations give a 1% or greater chance of collision capable of localized destruction. Attention by public and by public officials is merited if the encounter is less than a decade away. Read more . . .
2025, Reset the United Nations.
2025-01-27. The world is in chaos. UN marks 80 years since death camps were liberated by Russia and remembers the Holocaust. The UN says hold fast to our common humanity. But can the UN do that with their colloboration with the October 7 2023 masacre? The UN aims for their identity policy, which has caused a world wide massive antisemitism. The UN needs a reset. Read more …
2024, Stop Climate Cowboys.
Various governments, universities, investors and environmental activists are conducting extensive research into various forms of geoengineering, writes The New York Times. ‘Climate cowboys’ are trying to counteract climate disruption and purposefully cool the planet to counteract the effect of greenhouse gases. Read more . . .
2024, Cloud Services Critical Risk.
The worldwide enterprise cloud storage solutions like AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage are vulnarable for hacking, in particular ransomware hacking. With the growing reliance on cloud services for storage and deployment, securing cloud environments has become critically important. But is securing cloud environments possible? Read more . . .
2024, International Law out of order.
2024-12-05, Amnesty International reports Israel has committed genocide during the defence against the Hamas terrorists in Gaza. They mention Article 2 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide to prove that. But the definition of genocide starts with Article 1. The “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of 09 December 1948” says in Article I The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish. But it is not a time of war, Israel has to deal with the Hamas terrorism, not a war. Read more . . .
2024, Light upon your Shadow.
There is no one who punishes us, only ourselves. By not knowing how the rules of nature work. The Universal laws just do their work. There is only one force that keeps the solar system turning and the sun shines for everyone. This is the most powerful force and the greatest intelligence that knows everything and contains everything. Read more . . .
2024, Identity Policy cause Antisemitism.
Today the world is ruled by identity politics. The conduct of politics from the social identity of a certain group and the shared experience of being a victim of social injustice by this group. The UN does it, the US Democratic Party did it. The media do it. The universities all around the world do it. Amsterdam did it. And does this identity politics help inclusivity and diversity? No, it caused terrorism, vandalism and antisemitism. Read more . . .
2024, Enough Fossil Fuels to go for 50 years.
In 1990 Heymans et al. calculated that there would be oil for only 40 years. This was calculated however upon the proven reserves in 1990. The source to do the calculations was the Statistical Review of World Energy, which is published every year from the Energy Institute in June. The report gives the consumption and proven reserves of the fossil and other fuels. For 2010 and 2020 we calculated the proven oil reserves again. From now there is over 50 years proven oil reserves. Read more . . .
2024, Nature restores from Vulcano Tonga-Hunga.
In 2023 combining influences were responsible for the increase in temperature in the Pacific, Northern America and Southern Europe. 1.The sun emitted huge solar flames, 2.El Niño is present in the Pacific raising the temperature with 0,5C, 3. The enormous volcanic eruption of water vapor to the stratosphere of the Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai has a warming effect in the next years. The climate change of humans is nothing compared to this volcanic eruption. It is the enormous volcanic eruption that shall increase the temperature for years. Read more . . .
2024, Terror from Amsterdam.
2024-11-08, Amsterdam. After the match Ajax – Maccabi Tel Aviv, riots and violence broke out in the center of Amsterdam. Israeli fans were reportedly attacked and chased by Pro-Hamas terrorists on scooters helped by taxi drivers. The hit-and-run terrorist action was organized on a Telegram group. The communist mayor Halsema banned Ajax hooligans in their wish to protect Israeli fans. No arrest were made. On social media, Israeli supporters are cornered, beaten and attacked. Read more . . .
2024, Donald Trump elected President
2024-11-06, Washington. Donald Trump is elected to be the 47th President of the United States. The Republican Party also won the majority in the Senate and will win the majority in the House of Representatives. By this the world will face a policy towards honesty, peace and tranquillity. Read more . . .
2024, Have Faith in Your Creator.
I Am Who I Am wants humanity to have faith in their Creator. Mankind can communicate with I Am. I Am Who I Am has given mankind rules humans to keep their borders against other humans. Be honest, do not kill, do not steal, do not lie, do not abuse and do not bring people into slavery. Now I Am Who I Am gives humanity rules to interact with I Am. I Am is God. Worship God. Do not worship another god. Do not make idols to worship. If you worship another god, or if you think you are a god, the Fury of I Am will hit you. Why do you worship and pray to a picture, a statue or another object? Why do you worship another human? Humans are not a god. This is like praying to win the lottery without a lottery ticket. Why do you pray for health when you smoke, drink alcohol or use drugs. Change your lifestyle first. Read more . . .
2024, Humanity must return to the Light.
Humanity is limited to the third dimension by time, location, gender and objects. Humanity fights for objects and has forgotten to strive for the Light. I Am Who I Am is in the fourth dimension, not limited by time, location, gender or objects. I Am Who I Am is the Light. The purpose of mankind is to enter the Light at the end of its life. Read more . . .
2024, The Verdict of I Am Who I Am about war.
2024, Those who start a war will lose their objects. The warlords will lose their territory, their house, their money, their family and their life. The Judgement Day has been done. Now the verdicts for the sin will be spoken and executed. There will be a capital punishment for those who ignored the honesty Commands of I An Who I Am. The supporters of the warlords will lose their house, their job and their love.
2024, Judgement Day happened.
With the Octobre 7 2023 Hamas massacre the Judgement Day started. Hamas killed raped, abused and enslaved hostages. These warlords did everything against the Commands of I Am Who I Am for a honest world. A world wide choice has been given. Good is when you follow the Commands of I Am Who I Am. Evil is when you are against the Commands of I Am Who I Am . The choice was good and Israel or pro-Hamas for violence and evil. Read more . . .
2024, I Am Who I Am, The era of Separation.
Today the good and evil cultures are struggling. Dialog seems to be not possible. From 2024 there will be a tendency for cultures to separate. I Am Who I Am will help the good cultures and will sent natural, physical and psychological plagues to evil cultures. Read more . . .
2023, Freedom comes with Free Will and Responsibility.
Throughout history, a culture has flourished with five universal freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of expression such as dance, music, art, freedom to worship according to I Am Who I Am, freedom from fear and freedom from want. That’s the way Western democracies are today. I Am Who I Am supports Western democracies to establish the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven gives freedom, but it comes with free will and responsibility. Read more …
2023, I Am Who I Am, Mankind creates Hell.
I Am Who I Am is The One. The One is in the fourth dimension, not limited by time, space, gender or objects. Mankind lives in the third dimension, limited by time, space, gender and objects. The fourth dimension is peace, equality and freedom. Mankind creates war, inequality, famine, slavery and fear. Mankind creates Hell. Read more …
2023, Volcanic Eruption cause Extreme Weather.
Volcanoes have an enormous effect on the weather. It caused the “year without a summer in 1816”. When a mountain exploded in a violent eruption in 1815, it caused the year without summer to occur. The location of the volcanic eruption was Mount Tambora, in what we know today as Indonesia. Despite the magnitude of the eruption being the greatest known geological change, it took the planet a year to feel its full effects.
In 2023 four combining influences are responsible for the increase in temperature in the Pacific, Northern America and Southern Europe. 1.The sun emitted huge solar flames, 2.El Niño is present in the Pacific raising the temperature with 0,5C, 3. The enormous volcanic eruption of water vapor to the stratosphere of the Tonga-Hunga Ha‘apai has a warming effect in the next 5 years. 4. The human population doubles quicker and quicker and with it deforestation increases. It is the enormous volcanic eruption that shall increase the temperature for years.
Enter Your Force.
Five elements help you to Enter Your Force. Air, start breathing through your nose. Earth, start eating healthy. Fire, start moving. Water, start drinking healthy. But what is the fifth element? This is the quintessence. Today, what man eats makes man sick. Many people live unhealthy. This declines your force and energy. On the one hand due to behavior and due to insufficient information your force and energy are too less. Smoking, drugs, too much alcohol, too many carbohydrates, burned meat, too much fat or sugar make people addicted and ill. The doctor soon comes with a chemical pill to solve the problems caused by diet. And you feel sick. Read this article and see how you will get your Force and Energy again. Read more
On the origin of Cancer by means of cell fusion.
Mankind has reached a high level in curing disease. A general cure for cancer has not yet been found. The past 40 years it has become clear, that all kinds of cancer share the same characteristics. The nature of many of these characteristics are unknown.The development of a cure starts with knowledge about the origin of a disease. This paper proposes the hypothesis that the first cancer cell is “born” after a cell fusion. We discuss today’s cancer theories, aspects of abnormal and normal cell fusion and indicate the cancer cell fusion mechanism from which you may understand the cancer mechanism. Read more . . .
From Migration to Segregation?
There is a migration of people going on. Under inhuman conditions. There are many people who apply for asylum in the civilized European Union. People are entitled to this under international law and human rights. But with this huge crowd of people some structure is necessary. There is a distinction between real refugees and economic asylum seekers. Read more . . .
Essential Freedoms.
In the State of the Union on January 6th 1941 for the American Congress, Franklin Delano Roosevelt spoke out the Four Freedoms Speech. This speech marked the vision with which the US started to cure the evil in the world at that time. This was necessary because some countries (Germany and Japan) crossed the border of the world civilization. At this time again some countries are at a point in which they may cross the border of civilization and commit an act of physical aggression to their neighbor or to the people within their state. Read more
The Freedom of Expression.
The happiness of a human being depends on the freedom of expression. Every person needs freedom of expression in the private and the public realm. The freedom of expression interacts with other human beings. The freedom of expression of the one cannot be the horror of the other. Politics tend to restrain the public freedom of expression. Through the Ages Religions Laws have set rules for the private freedom of expression. At this point in time the world has developed private freedom of expression. There is an evolution to clear the freedom of expression in the public domain. Read more . . .
The Freedom to Worship God.
The second essential freedom is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way– everywhere in the world. See the world of today. A world full of war, famine and terrorism. Many people live day by day and life is the highest priority. In such a world worshipping God has the last priority. What do we need to do to create a world of tomorrow in which every person anywhere in the world is free to worship God. Read more
Prosperity for All.
The third of the Four Freedoms, is freedom from want, which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants –everywhere in the world (President F.D. Roosevelt) After the currency inflation of the Euro the people do not benefit anymore of the economical vision of the European Union. This is due to the political ambitions. The Brexit was a sign that the people resist the increasing decadence. With the Brexit the budget of the European Union should decrease. But the European Commission wants more budget to increase their power. This will minify the freedom of want and the prosperity will decrease. Read more
Introduction to Democracy.
The world fades away from democracy. More and more governments concentrate on one person. One person is not great enough to carry the burden of bringing democracy and prosperity to the people. This article gives an introduction to the building blocks of democracy. In many countries on all continents of the earth one or more of the building blocks are missing. Without the Rule of Law rulers become dictators and rebellion or war will be the result. Read More