Please fill out our Google Form if you’d like to submit something for review!
The Fandomentals does not accept payment in exchange for previews or reviews. All copy reviewed by The Fandomentals has either been submitted or provided by the creator or publisher or procured by The Fandomentals.
The Fandomentals reserves the right to decline any submission, at any time. If we agree to review your product, and then determine that it does not fall within our interests, notification will be sent. All reviews are the writers’ own opinions, and the submitter understands that the Fandomentals will give their objective opinion on the product, positive or negative, and agrees to not pressure the writer for a change in opinion.
The Fandomentals does not accept submissions for or related to NFTs and cryptocurrencies.
The Fandomentals is not responsible for any shipped physical items that are lost in transit, and will not be responsible for a missed deadline request if said physical item is delayed via shipping.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to