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Related to agaric: fly agaric


 (ăg′ər-ĭk, ə-găr′ĭk)
1. Any of numerous mushrooms having an umbrellalike cap with gills beneath, chiefly belonging to the order Agaricales.
2. The dried fruiting body of certain fungal species in the genus Fomes, formerly used in medicine, especially to inhibit the production of sweat.

[Middle English agarik, a kind of fungus, from Latin agaricum, from Greek agarikon, from Agariā, a town in Sarmatia.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈæɡərɪk; əˈɡærɪk)
1. (Plants) any saprotrophic basidiomycetous fungus of the family Agaricaceae, having gills on the underside of the cap. The group includes the edible mushrooms and poisonous forms such as the fly agaric
2. (Pharmacology) the dried spore-producing bodies of certain fungi, esp Polyphorus officinalis (or Boletus laricis), formerly used in medicine
[C16: via Latin agaricum, from Greek agarikon, perhaps named after Agaria, a town in Sarmatia]
agaricaceous adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈæg ə rɪk, əˈgær ɪk)

any of various gill fungi of the family Agaricaceae, including the meadow mushroom and other common edible mushrooms of the genus Agaricus.
[1525–35; < New Latin Agaricus genus name < Greek agarikós (adj.) pertaining to Agaría, a town in Sarmatis; neuter agarikón used as n., name of some fungi]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.agaric - fungus used in the preparation of punk for fusesagaric - fungus used in the preparation of punk for fuses
fungus - an organism of the kingdom Fungi lacking chlorophyll and feeding on organic matter; ranging from unicellular or multicellular organisms to spore-bearing syncytia
Fomes, genus Fomes - genus of bracket fungi forming corky or woody perennial shelflike sporophores often of large size; includes some that cause destructive heartrot in trees
2.agaric - a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the undersideagaric - a saprophytic fungus of the order Agaricales having an umbrellalike cap with gills on the underside
basidiomycete, basidiomycetous fungi - any of various fungi of the subdivision Basidiomycota
Agaricales, order Agaricales - typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
mushroom - mushrooms and related fleshy fungi (including toadstools, puffballs, morels, coral fungi, etc.)
mushroom - common name for an edible agaric (contrasting with the inedible toadstool)
toadstool - common name for an inedible or poisonous agaric (contrasting with the edible mushroom)
Agaricus arvensis, horse mushroom - coarse edible mushroom with a hollow stem and a broad white cap
Agaricus campestris, field mushroom, meadow mushroom - common edible mushroom found naturally in moist open soil; the cultivated mushroom of commerce
Amanita caesarea, Caesar's agaric, royal agaric - widely distributed edible mushroom resembling the fly agaric
Amanita mappa, false deathcap - agaric often confused with the death cup
Amanita muscaria, fly agaric - poisonous (but rarely fatal) woodland fungus having a scarlet cap with white warts and white gills
Amanita phalloides, death angel, death cap, death cup, destroying angel - extremely poisonous usually white fungus with a prominent cup-shaped base; differs from edible Agaricus only in its white gills
Amanita rubescens, blusher, blushing mushroom - yellowish edible agaric that usually turns red when touched
Amanita verna, destroying angel - fungus similar to Amanita phalloides
Cantharellus cibarius, chantarelle, chanterelle - widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma
Cantharellus floccosus, floccose chanterelle - a mildly poisonous fungus with a fruiting body shaped like a hollow trumpet
Cantharellus clavatus, pig's ears - an edible agaric with a brown fruiting body that is often compound
Cantharellus cinnabarinus, cinnabar chanterelle - mushroom with a distinctive pink to vermillion fruiting body
jack-a-lantern, jack-o-lantern, jack-o-lantern fungus, Omphalotus illudens - a large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the gills are luminescent
Coprinus atramentarius, inky cap, inky-cap mushroom - having a cap that melts into an inky fluid after spores have matured
Coprinus comatus, shaggy cap, shaggymane, shaggymane mushroom - common edible mushroom having an elongated shaggy white cap and black spores
Lactarius delicioso, milkcap - edible mushroom
fairy-ring mushroom, Marasmius oreades - mushroom that grows in a fairy ring
oyster agaric, oyster fungus, oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus - edible agaric with a soft greyish cap growing in shelving masses on dead wood
olive-tree agaric, Pleurotus phosphoreus - red luminescent mushroom of Europe
Pholiota astragalina - a fungus with a smooth orange cap and yellow gills and pale yellow stalk
golden pholiota, Pholiota aurea - a beautiful yellow gilled fungus found from Alaska south along the coast
Pholiota destruens - a large fungus with whitish scales on the cap and remnants of the veil hanging from the cap; the stalk is thick and hard
Pholiota flammans - a fungus with a yellow cap covered with fine scales as is the stalk
Pholiota flavida - a fungus that grows in clusters on the ground; cap is brownish orange with a surface that is smooth and slightly sticky; whitish gills and a cylindrical brown stalk
nameko, Pholiota nameko, viscid mushroom - one of the most important fungi cultivated in Japan
Pholiota squarrosa-adiposa - a gilled fungus having yellow slimy caps with conspicuous tawny scales on the caps and stalks
Pholiota squarrosa, scaly pholiota - a gilled fungus with a cap and stalk that are conspicuously scaly with upright scales; gills develop a greenish tinge with age
Pholiota squarrosoides - a pale buff fungus with tawny scales
Stropharia ambigua - a gilled fungus with a long stalk and a yellow slimy cap from which fragments of the broken veil hang; gills are initially white but become dark brown as spores are released
Stropharia hornemannii - a gilled fungus with a large slimy purple or olive cap; gills become purple with age; the stalk is long and richly decorated with pieces of the white sheath that extends up to a ring
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


nBlätterpilz m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
The feeling of happiness in being near her continually grew, and at last reached such a point that, as he put a huge, slender-stalked agaric fungus in her basket, he looked straight into her face, and noticing the flush of glad and alarmed excitement that overspread her face, he was confused himself, and smiled to her in silence a smile that said too much.
Nobody cares for planting the poor fungus; so she shakes down from the gills of one agaric countless spores, any one of which, being preserved, transmits new billions of spores to-morrow or next day.
I was particularly proud of my fly agaric toadstool image as it combines my love of nature with my interest in photography."
Autumn is the ideal time to identify fungi in the woods, with eye-catching species such as the fly agaric and scarlet elfcup, as well as better camouflaged fungi such as milkcaps and the collared earthstar.
The Fly Agaric, which belongs to a different family and should not be confused with psilocybin-containing mushrooms, is stronger than the traditional "liberty cap" mushroom.
These 'agaric' mushrooms look very much like the Button Mushrooms that you buy in shops and supermarkets because the shop-bought mushrooms are cultivated and farmed versions of one member of the wild agaric family.
[28.] Hibbett DS, Binder M, Wang Z (2003) Another fossil agaric from Dominican amber.
Agaric fungi belonging to the Rhodocybe-Clitopilus clade are placed in Entolomataceae Kotl.
115, he mentions that a polar bear "will eat an agaric [probably the birch polypore, Piptoporus betulinus], which grows on birch trees." That polar bears will eat fungi in times of need has only recently been documented.
She said: "The purple ones (left) are Amethyst deceiver; the white ones are puffballs and the red spotted one is a fly agaric.
Wedi gwrando ar fy nisgrifiad, "Clouded Agaric" meddai'n syth.