116 3rd St SE
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401
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About The Gazette

The Gazette is a print and digital daily newspaper located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We serve the eastern Iowa cities of Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and beyond with local news coverage. The Gazette is unique as a fully independent and 100 percent employee-owned media company. The Gazette has been in print since 1883. View our archive.

Downtown Cedar Rapids Gazette Office
The Gazette is 100% Independent, 100% Employee-Owned.
The Gazette is 100% employee-owned. The holding company of the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Folience, includes additional brands, including media such as The Southeast Iowa Union, The Clarion Plainsman, as well as manufacturers Lifeline and Cimmaron. Our complete brands, board of directors and more details are located on the Folience website.
Building trust with local audiences
In this era of misinformation it can be hard to know who to trust. A 2016 Gallup poll showed only 32 percent of Americans had “a great deal” or “a fair amount” of trust in the news media. As a local news source, we look to work with our audience to build trust in our newsroom, respond to concerns and increase news literacy among Iowans. We also support local schools’ news literacy with our newspapers in education programming as part of our access fund. Along the way, we want to hear from you about how we’re doing.
Newsroom Ethics
As part of our efforts to keep our community engaged, informed and connected, our newsroom follows a strict code of ethics to guide our coverage. Our code of ethics can be found here.
How to give reader feedback to The Gazette
- Let us know about stories we should cover: We appreciate suggestions as we bring you a variety of perspectives from Eastern Iowa and beyond.
- Tell us about an error, omission or clarification: We correct all errors of fact in our reporting and invite you to help keep us accountable.
- Contact us to give us overall feedback, or call (319) 398-8333.
The Gazette’s mission: We are passionately independent champions of connecting, informing and enriching our communities.