Allotment Month by Month by Alan Buckingham

A great bible for beginner allotmenteers, Buckingham shares crop planners for up to 60 different herbs, fruit and vegetables as well as tips on how to establish and cultivate a productive plot. Buy it.
Half Hour Allotment by RHS

From the ultimate gardening gurus comes this best-selling gardening title, which demonstrates how ‘little and often’ can ensure your allotment doesn’t become a chore, with time-saving tips for a bumper crop with minimal effort. Buy it.
Allotment Cookbook by Pete Lawrence

So you’ve done the hard work and grown your produce, but now what to do with the glut? Pete Lawrence’s seasonal recipes can inspire your meal plans to follow the rhythm of your growing season and minimise food waste. Buy it.
Beekeeping: The Secret to Happy Honeybees by Orren Fox

The ‘Do’ book series is eminently practical and readable, presented in bite-size, easy-to-follow chunks. If you’re considering a foray into apiculture, this is a great first read. Buy it.
Starter Guide To Raising Backyard Chickens by Macomb Farms

High up on the wishlist for many aspiring good lifers, chickens are a rewarding yet serious commitment. This starter guide shares a bounty of knowledge, from how to design their coop to choosing the right breeds, pest control and essential maintenance tips. Buy it.
Super Sourdough by James Morton

Not just a lockdown fad, the slow-living ritual of making bread is a great habit to get into with little skill required other than patience. James Morton’s how-to guide shares 40 fool-proof recipes and step-by-step instructions for the perfect loaf, every time. Buy it.
Let’s Preserve It by Beryl Wood

First published in 1970, Beryl Wood includes a whopping 579 recipes in this preserving bible, including chutneys, jams, pickles and fruit butters. Your garden or allotment bounty can be eked out through the ‘hunger gap’ winter months, with spicy relishes and fruity conserves. Perfect for first-timers and those looking for new inspiration alike. Buy it.
The Self-Sufficiency Bible by Simon Dawson

This charmingly illustrated guide to self-sufficient living isn’t about berating or scaremongering, but does offer a hundred practical, resourceful tips on how to tread more lightly on our already over-stretched planet. From gardening to cleaning, beauty and beyond. Buy it.
The Big Book of Preserving by Martha Cummings

A great skill to master if you are lucky enough to find yourself with a summer glut from the garden. It’s not all jams and chutneys either; Martha Cummings shares recipes to preserve almost everything by canning, pickling, dehydrating, fermenting, salting and smoking to make the very most of your home-grown produce. Buy it.
By Lydia Mansi
June 2023