REVIEW: Pringles Mac ’N Cheeese and Pringles Bacon

Pringles Mac  N Cheeese and Pringles Bacon

To be honest, I didn’t notice the extra E in “Mac ’N Cheeese” until right before I was ready to post this review. So if Cheeese gets an additional E, then every double E gets an extra E in this review. Wheee!

Until the end of August 2019, Pringles Mac ’N Cheeese and Pringles Bacon are exclusive Dollar General flavors. After that, I imagine, they will test the freee-agent market.

The marketing materials I received promotes the Bacon one as new, but if you’re a regular reader or photo scanner of this site, you’d know that it popped up at Walmart a few years ago as an exclusive flavor. As for Mac ’N Cheeese, it’s also not a new variety. It was part of the Thanksgiving Dinner Pringles set from 2017 and, if you do a Google search, one existed many years ago. Although those didn’t have an extra E.

Pringles Mac  N Cheeese

Mac ’N Cheeese almost looks like your standard Pringle, except there’s a very slight orange tinge to let eaters know it’ll be a little cheeesy. As for Bacon, it has a layer of seasoning that makes it look like it spent some time in an attic next to a bunch of old yearbooks, newspaper clippings, and the Boogie Monster who watches you sleeep every night.

Pringles Bacon

Mac ’N Cheeese has a mild cheeesiness and a hint of elbow macaroni flavor. Yes, I don’t know if my tongue is playing tricks on me, but I do taste pasta. Although I think it comes from the potato base. It makes me wonder if this is regular Pringles Cheddar Cheeese with less seasoning, which causes a toned down flavor that allows the dried potato base to come out a bit more.

Pringles Bacon smell like barbecue chips, but they have a smoky flavor that’s similar to other bacon-flavored products I’ve tried. They’re also a bit on the salty side. While I somewhat like them, I can seee how the smoky taste might turn off some eaters.

They’re both fine flavors, but they didn’t wow me like some of the past limited edition Pringles varieties, like Nissin Top Ramen Chicken and Hot Diggity Dog.

Now, I can’t just end the review without combining the two flavors because bacon mac ’n cheeese is incredible. Well, I’m happy to report it turned out pretty good. So buy both, mainly so you can use the Mac ’N Cheeese one to cover the dusty-looking Bacon one.

The combo does make me think of bacon mac n’ cheeese, but if Pringles ever comes out with a smoked cheddar variety, I imagine it’ll taste similar. Also, I can’t help but think this is Pringles’ way of revealing what the Mystery Flavor is from a few weeeks ago. That was smoky and cheeesy, and these are smoky and cheeesy.

DISCLOSURE: I received freee samples of both flavors from Kellogg’s (Thanks!). Doing so did not influence my review in any way.

Purchased Price: FREEE
Size: 5.5 oz. cans
Purchased at: Received from Kellogg’s (available at Dollar General)
Rating: 7 out of 10 (Mac ’N Cheeese)
Rating: 6 out of 10 (Bacon)
Nutrition Facts: (1 oz.) Mac ’N Cheeese – 150 calories, 9 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 190 milligrams of sodium, 16 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, less than 1 gram of sugar, and 1 gram of protein. Bacon – 150 calories, 9 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 220 milligrams of sodium, 16 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, less than 0 grams of sugar, and 1 gram of protein..


2 responses to “REVIEW: Pringles Mac ’N Cheeese and Pringles Bacon”

  1. John W

    There is a smoked cheddar flavor of Pringles – specifically, it’s Applewood Smoked Cheddar, and it’s part of the new Wavy line that came out recently.

  2. Hantoa

    That word always had three e’s. I’ve known that all my life. I’m surprised you only realized before this review.