Clinical psychologist Dr. Robert Wallace operates a private practice and teaches at the local university.
This Hour Has 22 Minutes is a weekly Canadian television comedy that airs on CBC Television. Launched in 1993 during Canada's 35th general election, the show focuses on Canadian politics, combining news parody, sketch comedy and satirical editorials. Originally featuring Cathy Jones, Rick Mercer, Greg Thomey and Mary Walsh, the series featured satirical sketches of the weekly news and Canadian political events. The show's format is a mock news program, intercut with comic sketches, parody commercials and humorous interviews of public figures. The on-location segments are frequently filmed with slanted camera angles.
Сериал рассказывает о семействе Роузов: Джонни Роуз — миллиардер, сделавший состояние на сети видеосалонов, его жена — актриса мыльных опер и двое детей — хипстер Дэвид и светская львица Алексис.
После того, как бизнес Джонни терпит крах, все семейство вынуждено переехать жить в небольшую сельскую общину Шиттс Крик, которую они приобрели несколько лет назад развлечения ради.
Конец XIX-го века. На улицах Торонто происходят странные убийства. Детектив Уильям Мёрдок раскрывает их с помощью новой науки - криминалистики. У него есть союзник - судебный врач Джулия Огден. Ни юный возраст, ни хорошее воспитание, ни пышные юбки не мешают ей вскрывать трупы и проводить экспертизы.
We asked 100 game show-loving Canadians: Name the only iconic TV show featuring two Canadian families competing to guess popular answers to fun survey questions. Top answer on the board? Survey says...get ready for Family Feud Canada!
Сериал "Хартлэнд" вышел на экраны канадского телевидения ещё в далёком две тысячи седьмом году. Картина получила невероятную популярность среди зрителей, которые были воодушевлены и поражены тёплой мелодрамой, представленной авторами сценария. В центре внимания сюжета оказываются несколько поколений одной семьи, которая проживает в небольшом городе, располагающемся в Канаде. Главные герои стараются переживать трудности вместе и поддерживают друг друга в трудные минуты. Конечно же, это так или иначе сказывается на их взаимоотношениях. Что же будет в новом тринадцатом сезоне?
This all-female comedy satirizes modern life's everyday concerns, from the pretentiousness of ordering a fancy coffee to office and sexual politics.
Strange Paradise is a Canadian occult / supernatural soap opera of 195 episodes, initially launched in syndication in the United States on September 8, 1969, and later broadcast on CBC Television from October 20, 1969 to July 22, 1970. The production was the brainchild of producer Steve Krantz, in an attempt to capitalize on the phenomenal success of ABC's daytime serial Dark Shadows. To develop this series, Krantz hired actor-writer Ian Martin and veteran TV and radio producer Jerry Layton, both of who would be given screen credit for the creation of Strange Paradise. With the CBC and American broadcasters Metromedia and Kaiser Broadcasting handling distribution and co-production, the series was produced in Ottawa at CTV affiliate CJOH-TV and aired for 39 weeks, presenting three separate 13-week story arcs.
Air Farce Live, also credited as Air Farce, previously Royal Canadian Air Farce, and Air Farce—Final Flight! for the final season, was a Canadian sketch comedy series starring the comedy troupe Royal Canadian Air Farce, that previously starred in an eponymous show on CBC Radio, from 1973 to 1997. The top-rated television show was broadcast on CBC Television, beginning in 1993 and ending in December 2008. The Air Farce Live name was adopted in October 2007. For the show's final season which began October 3, 2008, the series was renamed Air Farce—Final Flight!.
The show was a weekly topical sketch comedy series focusing on political and cultural satire and was one of the most popular Canadian television shows. It was initially aired as a radio series beginning in 1973, and on radio, Air Farce continued for 24 seasons through 1997. In terms of the troupe's TV career, the first Air Farce TV special aired in 1980. A short-lived Air Farce TV series was broadcast in 1981, and further TV specials aired in 1982, 1983, and 1984. After a long hiatus from TV, a 1992 New Year's Eve special for CBC-TV was well received, and a new Air Farce TV series began in October 1993. The TV series was retitled Air Farce Live beginning with the October 6, 2007 broadcast and was the first Canadian sketch comedy series to be broadcast in HD. The show was broadcast live in the Atlantic time zone and tape delayed in the other time zones.
A weekly helping of topical satire, funny takes on the week's top stories and Canada-wide adventures.
Second City Television is a Canadian television sketch comedy show offshoot from Toronto's Second City troupe that ran between 1976 and 1984.
Эмоциональной мошеннице и отстраненному от должности детективу дается шанс искупить свою вину. Но вот загвоздка — они должны найти способ работать вместе, используя свои уникальные навыки для раскрытия преступлений.
13-летняя сирота Энн из-за ошибки попадает в семью приемных родителей, где перед ней открывается новая жизнь с новыми сложностями.
The Red Green Show is a Canadian television comedy that aired on various channels in Canada, with its ultimate home at CBC Television, and on Public Broadcasting Service stations in the United States, from 1991 until the series finale April 7, 2006, on CBC. The Red Green Show is essentially a cross between a sitcom and a sketch comedy series, and is a parody of home improvement, do-it-yourself, fishing, and other outdoors shows.
Busytown Mysteries, also known as Hurray for Huckle!, is a Canadian animated television series created by Cookie Jar Entertainment.
The Nature of Things is a Canadian television series of documentary programs. It debuted on CBC Television on November 6, 1960. Many of the programs document nature and the effect that humans have on it. The program was one of the first to explore environmental issues, such as clear-cut logging.
The series is named after an epic poem by Roman philosopher Lucretius: "Dē Rērum Nātūrā" — On the Nature of Things.
Da Vinci's Inquest is a Canadian dramatic television series that aired on CBC Television from 1998 to 2005. While never a ratings blockbuster, seven seasons of thirteen episodes each were filmed for a total of ninety-one episodes.
The show, set and filmed in Vancouver, stars Nicholas Campbell as Dominic Da Vinci, once an undercover officer for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but now a crusading coroner who seeks justice in the cases he investigates.
The cast also includes Gwynyth Walsh as Da Vinci's ex-wife and chief pathologist Patricia Da Vinci, Donnelly Rhodes as detective Leo Shannon, and Ian Tracey as detective Mick Leary.
Canadian version of the reality show in which budding entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hopes of securing business financing.
Focussing on a community of three sweet and silly neighbouring animal families who share each other's triumphs, dramas and completely bananas lives.
Фрэнки Дрейк - дочь известного мошенника Нэда, а теперь - первая частный детектив-женщина в Торонто в 20-х годах прошлого века. Фрэнки, обладая всеми качествами, присущими хорошему детективу, вместе со своей помощницей Труди берётся за берётся за расследование самых сложных и запутанных дел - даже таких, где, казалось бы, нет никаких улик, и с которыми не может (или не хочет) справиться полиция.