The Olympic Games will start in London at the end of the month and will be watched by people all over the world. But, these games are also a huge opportunity for companies who want to set a promotional campaign. In fact, for one month people will think a lot about it and so they will be really interested in products branded with the Olympic Games logo or with the flag of their country for instance.
Procter & Gamble, one of the biggest companies in the world, have understood this really well and that’s why they will offer a lot of presents linked to this event to their customers in France, as you can see on the picture below :
Basically, they are offering their customers caps, polo t-shirts, balls, badminton sets (rackets and shuttlecock), sport bags, summer games sets and French flag towels.
Naturally, all products are branded with the P&G logo and with the French flag, so they will certainly appeal to a lot of customers in France.
As you can see, the Olympic Games are not only a huge sport event but also a really important commercial event which allows brands and firms to set a lot of marketing campaigns in order to increase their sales and/or to improve their brand image.
What do you think of those products? If you want to learn more, you can check our other blogs related to this topic :
- GWP France – Olympic Games Glasses by Mac Donald’s
- McDonald’s GWP – Olympic Coke Glass
- GWP Hong Kong – ParknShop & Tropicana UEFA Euro 2012 Cups
- Promotional Gifts Netherlands – Calvé & Netherlands Football Team
- UEFA EURO 2012 – Kellogg’s oofballs
- Sharp’s GWP Russia – UEFA 2012 soccer ball
Now just a few words about these gifts in French for the local readers.
Les évènements sportifs d’envergure internationale comme les Jeux Olympiques ou encore l’Euro 2012 qui vient de s’achever représentent des opportunités à ne pas manquer pour les entreprises (en particulier pour celles de l’envergure de Procter & Gamble).
En effet, c’est l’occasion de créer des campagnes marketing ayant un impact fort sur les consommateurs et de ce traduire par de fortes augmentations de leurs ventes. Ce type d’évènement peut aussi être l’occasion de créer des campagnes de communication innovantes (pensez à la créativité dont certaines marques font preuves pour les finales de coupe du monde ou la finale du Superbowl aux USA) et donc d’améliorer ou d’asseoir leur image.