There’s been an interesting trend going on recently with legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto. Specifically, people keep finding his interviews from decades ago, translating them, and spreading them around on the internet. Why? Because they can, and they’ve revealed some interesting insights from the legendary creator. For example, he almost got rid of Navi from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and regretted how difficult Super Mario Sunshine was for certain people. Now, we know a certain “feeling” he had about Super Mario 64, and it was because of his son that he had this feeling.
Confused? In yet another found interview by Shmuplations, Shigeru Miyamoto’s son was apparently a playtester for Super Mario 64, and he wasn’t the best at it:
“Seeing him try dozens of times, over and over, to get up this unclimbable hill, as a parent I couldn’t help but think, ‘Geez, does this kid have any brains?’ (laughs) Afterwards we asked the children what they thought of the game, and they said it was fun, and that they wanted to play it again.”
So, clearly, this didn’t ruin his experience, and in the end, isn’t that really what matters?