Personalized Services to Suit Your Needs

Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction


Looking for a unique, interactive and unforgettable experience to offer at your next corporate event?

The Perfume Bar experience is a perfect way to entertain your clients or gift your staff as they enjoy the unique experience of creating their own perfume.

Our services are ideal for Conferences, Family Days, Diwali Parties, Team Building and more. You can choose an experience that best suits your needs or we can work with you to integrate into an event you are already running. Consider personalizing your perfume bottles with company or individual branding for that extra special touch!

‘The Perfume Bar’ is the perfect way to entertain and excite your employees/guests/clients; by treating & gifting them to creating their own unique scent, all blended fresh, on the spot, before their eyes.

Our unique fragrance bar concept is the perfect addition to larger events. Invite your guests to sample our blends and design a unique fragrance at a ‘drop in’ bar. Suitable for: 50-1000 guests and more

Our Perfume Stylists expertly guide each guest in the design of their own signature scent which is then custom blended to take away on the day.

The Perfume Bar can be set-up in any given space and can accommodate and entertain an intimate evening over cocktails or a crowd of hundreds over a formal dinner.

The perfume packaging can be styled with you company branding. We work with you to customize our presence and your guests experience, making sure it leaves them feeling extra special and that they experienced something extra-ordinary.

Our session of the invisible olfactory art will introduce you to the craft of perfumery, where you learn the basics of ‘perfume making’ through a leisure-activity-filled workshop. Perfect for Team Bonding & Building.

Perfect for team building, client entertainment or as a rewarding treat for your staff, a Perfume Stylist will take you on a fragrance journey offering the opportunity to sample our 32 exquisite blends. Suitable for: 10-200 guests

With our guidance, each guest will have the opportunity to create their own bespoke fragrance and leave with a bottle or atomiser filled with their unique signature scent.


107-D, Mohd. Ali Rd,
Mumbai – 400003

Mon — Sat: 10AM — 6PM
If you have a question, please contact at

©2023 by The Perfume Bar. All rights reserved

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