The launch of the 6 seater Tesla Cybertruck has created quite some buzz over social media and the internet with numerous pre-order receipts posted on Instagram stories. Even if things didn’t go as planned at the event close to 150 000 orders poured in. Elon Musk claimed the Cybertruck to be shock, scratch and bullet proof. However when a metal ball was thrown at the windows they shattered during the demonstration. Despite that epic fail it didn’t put off a lot of customers who will have to wait till 2022 to get their car. There have also been some mixed reviews making the share price plunge 6%. Its bold design makes it quite unique and will not appeal to everyone but a good fit for a Rebel Dandy. You can order yours here with a starting price of $39,900. Order
Did you know: Tesla Motors is the second oldest publicly listed American Automaker (behind Ford) – source
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